I'm a noon and run into a problem


New Member
I'm new to growing indoors. I got a seed that I found so I don't know the strain of it. It's about to be 2 months since I put the seed in soil. I had it outside since October. But I just move it inside with a mars2hydro 700. Any advice and how to get a big cola out of her. Istarted of wrong but still learning.
She seems very small to be flowering already, but to get the largest cola out of her, don't LST or crop her. Just let her grow naturally. Now, whether she creates a cola, or a scattering of flower clusters, depends on her ancestry. At this point, she looks like a hybrid, slightly on the Sativa side. You'll know more as she grows up.

If you have the patience, bring the daylight up to 16/8 and grow her out some, maybe another month or two, then switch back to 12/12. This will slow her flowering some, but she will be stronger for the longer time in veg.

I usually pinch out the flower when I'm putting them back into veg, to speed up the re-veg process. Once they have put some size on them, they will be better prepared to give you the cola you are looking for.

I'm confused, so I would just change the time even if it's on flower mode. Won't it turn into a male or get into shock mode. So I would cut of the to of the flower and let her grow some more out I got the time for it

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She seems very small to be flowering already, but to get the largest cola out of her, don't LST or crop her. Just let her grow naturally. Now, whether she creates a cola, or a scattering of flower clusters, depends on her ancestry. At this point, she looks like a hybrid, slightly on the Sativa side. You'll know more as she grows up.

If you have the patience, bring the daylight up to 16/8 and grow her out some, maybe another month or two, then switch back to 12/12. This will slow her flowering some, but she will be stronger for the longer time in veg.

I usually pinch out the flower when I'm putting them back into veg, to speed up the re-veg process. Once they have put some size on them, they will be better prepared to give you the cola you are looking for.

Can i do the 18/6 or does it have to do the 16/8 right now I have it 12/12 since I moved her inside.

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Is the plant an auto or photo strain?
I think the light schedule is a matter of preference, and what works for your particular plant. Putting a young plant back under veg is not going to make it hermie, but she certainly will slow down as she makes the switch from flowering hormones to growth hormones. This is normal. Don't worry about it. She will switch gears when she is ready.

Many growers "sex" their young photoperiod plants by putting them under 12/12 till preflowers show, then put them back under 18/6 or 16/8 to allow them to grow out some.

Have faith, grasshopper! :Namaste:
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