Im 8 weeks in from seedling to flower


Well-Known Member
Im 8 weeks in from seedling ....2 1/2 weeks of veg and 6 weeks into flower on my 2 autoflowers ...."Banana purple punch" and "Original blueberry" from FastBuds
They been in flower for almost 7 weeks and a total of 8 weeks from seedling I flushed last night to help break down the chlorophyll....I just want to know if I'm standing strong or did I flash to early..... "btw first grow" so I don't really know 💩😏 .......btw only got this far with the help of youtube and you great og growers on 420........









Nutrient maker Fox Farms suggest flushing at certain intervals when using their gear, think it’s one flush cycle to prepare for final push, but beyond that there’s really no need to flush ever unless you have an excess of nutrients. For a nute deficiency there’s no reason to flush. Flushing means 3X the container size volume of water. So 15 gallons water for 5 gallons of soil, flushing it’s mostly a hydro technique anyway.

A plant takes up what a plant takes up and rinsing the grow media doesn’t remove nutrients from the plant or the buds or improve taste. There’s a scientific study where buds were tested comparing flushed weed from un-flushed weed, there is absolutely zero difference. The study was featured on signature line of InTheSheds grow journal here, last time I checked the info was no longer linked up but the scientific principles still apply.

Part of the nutrients are chemically / electrically bound to the soil via cation exchange capacity, the bound nutes can’t be washed out… so only a small portion can be released via flushing. Flushing is a major pain for zero gain and has no bearing on the taste of your buds… flush if it makes you happy but there’s not a lot of valid logic behind the process anymore

If you are concerned about taste then the answer is a proper dry / cure regime… bud washing at harvest and low & slow fridge cure are the ticket. Bud washing involves dunking your colas in water immediately at harvest then hang to drip dry and process as normal. There’s no negative impacts from bud washing, trichs are stuck like glue and not water soluble… you can’t clean gummed up trim scissors with water, it takes heat, flash freeze, steam or solvents to break down trichs…

your crop looks great, still have few weeks to go, you want the overwhelming majority of the pistils to turn dark and crinkle in before the chop. Matter of fact bud swell doesn’t even begin until the pistils have turned dark and receded…

Mostly flushing is dead but whatevs you decide is cool, typically we advise feeding right to the end….

seriously killer buddage my friend, sure you’re a first timer??
we’re glad to have you!
Absolutely beautiful :adore::adore::drool:
As long as you keep feeding her until chop I don’t see a dam thing wrong. :thumb:
Excellent work my friend.
Be careful of that tube ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nutrient maker Fox Farms suggest flushing at certain intervals when using their gear, think it’s one flush cycle to prepare for final push, but beyond that there’s really no need to flush ever unless you have an excess of nutrients. For a nute deficiency there’s no reason to flush. Flushing means 3X the container size volume of water. So 15 gallons water for 5 gallons of soil, flushing it’s mostly a hydro technique anyway.

A plant takes up what a plant takes up and rinsing the grow media doesn’t remove nutrients from the plant or the buds or improve taste. There’s a scientific study where buds were tested comparing flushed weed from un-flushed weed, there is absolutely zero difference. The study was featured on signature line of InTheSheds grow journal here, last time I checked the info was no longer linked up but the scientific principles still apply.

Part of the nutrients are chemically / electrically bound to the soil via cation exchange capacity, the bound nutes can’t be washed out… so only a small portion can be released via flushing. Flushing is a major pain for zero gain and has no bearing on the taste of your buds… flush if it makes you happy but there’s not a lot of valid logic behind the process anymore

If you are concerned about taste then the answer is a proper dry / cure regime… bud washing at harvest and low & slow fridge cure are the ticket. Bud washing involves dunking your colas in water immediately at harvest then hang to drip dry and process as normal. There’s no negative impacts from bud washing, trichs are stuck like glue and not water soluble… you can’t clean gummed up trim scissors with water, it takes heat, flash freeze, steam or solvents to break down trichs…

your crop looks great, still have few weeks to go, you want the overwhelming majority of the pistils to turn dark and crinkle in before the chop. Matter of fact bud swell doesn’t even begin until the pistils have turned dark and receded…

Mostly flushing is dead but whatevs you decide is cool, typically we advise feeding right to the end….

seriously killer buddage my friend, sure you’re a first timer??
we’re glad to have you!
Thank you for the
Nutrient maker Fox Farms suggest flushing at certain intervals when using their gear, think it’s one flush cycle to prepare for final push, but beyond that there’s really no need to flush ever unless you have an excess of nutrients. For a nute deficiency there’s no reason to flush. Flushing means 3X the container size volume of water. So 15 gallons water for 5 gallons of soil, flushing it’s mostly a hydro technique anyway.

A plant takes up what a plant takes up and rinsing the grow media doesn’t remove nutrients from the plant or the buds or improve taste. There’s a scientific study where buds were tested comparing flushed weed from un-flushed weed, there is absolutely zero difference. The study was featured on signature line of InTheSheds grow journal here, last time I checked the info was no longer linked up but the scientific principles still apply.

Part of the nutrients are chemically / electrically bound to the soil via cation exchange capacity, the bound nutes can’t be washed out… so only a small portion can be released via flushing. Flushing is a major pain for zero gain and has no bearing on the taste of your buds… flush if it makes you happy but there’s not a lot of valid logic behind the process anymore

If you are concerned about taste then the answer is a proper dry / cure regime… bud washing at harvest and low & slow fridge cure are the ticket. Bud washing involves dunking your colas in water immediately at harvest then hang to drip dry and process as normal. There’s no negative impacts from bud washing, trichs are stuck like glue and not water soluble… you can’t clean gummed up trim scissors with water, it takes heat, flash freeze, steam or solvents to break down trichs…

your crop looks great, still have few weeks to go, you want the overwhelming majority of the pistils to turn dark and crinkle in before the chop. Matter of fact bud swell doesn’t even begin until the pistils have turned dark and receded…

Mostly flushing is dead but whatevs you decide is cool, typically we advise feeding right to the end….

seriously killer buddage my friend, sure you’re a first timer??
we’re glad to have you!
🫡🙏👍🏻 thank you for the info and compliment on the grow .....I've seen that study about flushing.... I flushed with only 7 gallons of pH water each 5 gallon pot just to help break down the time on curing just because what I've heard about the chlorophyll / nitrogen making the bud test harsh and smelllike hay lol but then againim a newbie just going of off youtube videos 🤦..... and if I have at least 2 weeks left should I feed it some calmag next watering or just other nutes to.. brw the plants has already started the fade as they say or I'm lacking in nutrients....

Forgive me if my grammar isn't on point I'm 12 beers in 😆

And if the top cola is ready before the lower buds should I just chop the top and let the bottom buds grow for more time?

Yes sir 💯% first time grow
Nutrient maker Fox Farms suggest flushing at certain intervals when using their gear, think it’s one flush cycle to prepare for final push, but beyond that there’s really no need to flush ever unless you have an excess of nutrients. For a nute deficiency there’s no reason to flush. Flushing means 3X the container size volume of water. So 15 gallons water for 5 gallons of soil, flushing it’s mostly a hydro technique anyway.

A plant takes up what a plant takes up and rinsing the grow media doesn’t remove nutrients from the plant or the buds or improve taste. There’s a scientific study where buds were tested comparing flushed weed from un-flushed weed, there is absolutely zero difference. The study was featured on signature line of InTheSheds grow journal here, last time I checked the info was no longer linked up but the scientific principles still apply.

Part of the nutrients are chemically / electrically bound to the soil via cation exchange capacity, the bound nutes can’t be washed out… so only a small portion can be released via flushing. Flushing is a major pain for zero gain and has no bearing on the taste of your buds… flush if it makes you happy but there’s not a lot of valid logic behind the process anymore

If you are concerned about taste then the answer is a proper dry / cure regime… bud washing at harvest and low & slow fridge cure are the ticket. Bud washing involves dunking your colas in water immediately at harvest then hang to drip dry and process as normal. There’s no negative impacts from bud washing, trichs are stuck like glue and not water soluble… you can’t clean gummed up trim scissors with water, it takes heat, flash freeze, steam or solvents to break down trichs…

your crop looks great, still have few weeks to go, you want the overwhelming majority of the pistils to turn dark and crinkle in before the chop. Matter of fact bud swell doesn’t even begin until the pistils have turned dark and receded…

Mostly flushing is dead but whatevs you decide is cool, typically we advise feeding right to the end….

seriously killer buddage my friend, sure you’re a first timer??
we’re glad to have you!
Oh what is this bud washing and the fridge thing sounds interesting!!!!
Nutrient maker Fox Farms suggest flushing at certain intervals when using their gear, think it’s one flush cycle to prepare for final push, but beyond that there’s really no need to flush ever unless you have an excess of nutrients. For a nute deficiency there’s no reason to flush. Flushing means 3X the container size volume of water. So 15 gallons water for 5 gallons of soil, flushing it’s mostly a hydro technique anyway.

A plant takes up what a plant takes up and rinsing the grow media doesn’t remove nutrients from the plant or the buds or improve taste. There’s a scientific study where buds were tested comparing flushed weed from un-flushed weed, there is absolutely zero difference. The study was featured on signature line of InTheSheds grow journal here, last time I checked the info was no longer linked up but the scientific principles still apply.

Part of the nutrients are chemically / electrically bound to the soil via cation exchange capacity, the bound nutes can’t be washed out… so only a small portion can be released via flushing. Flushing is a major pain for zero gain and has no bearing on the taste of your buds… flush if it makes you happy but there’s not a lot of valid logic behind the process anymore

If you are concerned about taste then the answer is a proper dry / cure regime… bud washing at harvest and low & slow fridge cure are the ticket. Bud washing involves dunking your colas in water immediately at harvest then hang to drip dry and process as normal. There’s no negative impacts from bud washing, trichs are stuck like glue and not water soluble… you can’t clean gummed up trim scissors with water, it takes heat, flash freeze, steam or solvents to break down trichs…

your crop looks great, still have few weeks to go, you want the overwhelming majority of the pistils to turn dark and crinkle in before the chop. Matter of fact bud swell doesn’t even begin until the pistils have turned dark and receded…

Mostly flushing is dead but whatevs you decide is cool, typically we advise feeding right to the end….

seriously killer buddage my friend, sure you’re a first timer??
we’re glad to have you!
And please tell me more about the bud washing and fridge 🙏
Both bud washing & low and slow fridge during threads can be found in link below. Both are long threads but first page or so explains the techniques, rest are comments etc.

Bud washing fill 3 buckets 5 gallons each of luke warm water, totally optional but some use lemon juice & baking soda in first bucket, dunk colas in first bucket to clean them, use other 2 buckets are for rinse cycle if you will. I use plain water in all 3 buckets but to each their own

low & slow fridge cure uses refrigerator to lower humidity before jarring, as always burp but most important step is to keep check on your jars frequently….

Link for… Harvest Prep & curing section

absolutely you can do partial harvest just as you described, take some leave the rest to ripen
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