If I lop off the top 12" of my 36" plant, can I use it as a clone?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I've managed to paint myself into a corner. I have a plant outside that must come inside, but I think it will be too tall for my tent. Is there any way to save the cutting?

I find the mid-stem sections can be hard to root if the stem is hard and woody, but yes you can.

The reason for chopping it up is tht a 12” cutting will wilt. Osmosis isn’t enough to keep a soft plant like that perky and it has to survive a couple weeks without roots.
It definitely works. I accidentally broke off a couple of branches when LST-ing during early flower. Of course, I'm in deep water culture on this grow. So I stuck the two stems in the DWC res, held by a collar, and now they are rooting. I'm not sure what I can do with them, as they are only about 6 inches in size, each. But I thought maybe I can reveg them later. LOL. How do you root your clones?
Another thing, is when cutting up a long branch, be sure to have a node at the bottom for rooting.
Sure. Though you’d want to cut it into 2 or three sections. 12” is a little too big for a cuttting to work well.
Thank you Weaselcracker.

As an aside, in general how big should the clone be? Is there a cloning tray for larger cuts? The tray I have might be tall enough for a 6" cutting. I think 4 to 6" might be the answer then.

It definitely works. I accidentally broke off a couple of branches when LST-ing during early flower. Of course, I'm in deep water culture on this grow. So I stuck the two stems in the DWC res, held by a collar, and now they are rooting. I'm not sure what I can do with them, as they are only about 6 inches in size, each. But I thought maybe I can reveg them later. LOL. How do you root your clones?
Another thing, is when cutting up a long branch, be sure to have a node at the bottom for rooting.


Good point. Thank you!
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