Identification of these


Well-Known Member
Im thinking baby lady bugs any ideas?


Hey those are brown marmorated stink bug nymphs.... Get on removing them as they pierce plants and suck them dry.

A natural pesticide will work to remove them or a diy cocktail made of 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (for adherence), 1 tablespoon dish soap ( to break down exo skeleton), and add to 1 gallon of water ( carries oil and soap along with drowning the little buggers).

Me to thanks again I like the learning experience myself RIGHT ON!
Do you have a android that runs on Google? If yes, then Google lens is the most helpful thing at your finger tips.
The one in your second photo is an actual dragonfly, not a nymph, their nymphs and larvae live in water. They are superb hunters, I miss having my little pond. I didn't recognize that I would lose my dragonflies by removing it.
We don't have a pond and there's a bunch of dragon flies around ,maybe for the food source but there must be some water around close by somewhere for breeding I don't know where the water source could be that's close by im in city neighborhood , maybe some else has a little pond somewhere thanks for the response ✌️
Dragon flies will travel a long distance to find good hunting grounds. They are ambush predator's with good sight so they are looking for a perch they can rest and hunt from.
We are about a mile from Lake St. Clair and all those boat canals. Yesterday while walking around the backyard I noticed what looked like a couple of young or smaller sized dragonflies perched on some flowers and shrub branches. Then they took off and it looked like they were chasing some other flying insect.

Or maybe it was the sample from some 2 year old Papaya harvest that made me think I was seeing them.
I love having them around we have Alot of green lacewings around to they are always coming out of our mint when i water it in the morning I ordered some assassin bugs to try to get some diversity in my area we have alot of parasitic wasp's i actually got some larvae out of our mason bee house i was disappointed for a minute because I wanted bees but quickly got over it 😂

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