Ice Box Cooling


New Member
Is anyone using these, I have 3 600w in enclosed fixtures, the room gets to about 84 and I have to use the house AC to keep it cool. I live in a 2500 sqft house so you can see cooling one room with AC is a bit on the $$$ side. Plus makes the rest of the house cold. The costs seem to be the same as buying a small AC unit. Any thoughts?
I had to plunk down and get a 6000 btu unit for a closet to keep the temps i wanted, 78, but it's a tiny closet with a 1000 watter in there : ) I looked at my electricity meter or whatever the fancy name is for that thing that spins according to you electricity use, well it was hauling ballz! I had the house ac, computers, lights, dryer/washer goin, and the room and I was like "Oh for the love of god, slow down!!" - I looked at it the other day when the lights were off and it was barely moving with most everything off in the house, even the central ac i think. I'm a little worried about what my bill is gonna be as well this month.
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