Ive been smoking blunts everyday this year. An unexpected job openning for me. My friend just told me about it. I've had my interview and he says there are talking about me and think i wil get the job. Well i would have to take a pee test soon if im hired. I will be clean for at leat 5 days before the test is clean. I dont know what to use. I wieght 220lbs with more then average bodyfat! which detox should i take. I may go to GNC. whats the best stuff they have. how much of the detox should i buy, becasue i think one bottle is not enough. What should i do in the mean time. I going to keep reading everything on here to get more info, but i cant find any info on which drink to use for my situation, me being 220lbs and a heavy user with only 5 days of no smoking. Please guide me to