I Want To Be The Very Best - First Grow!

Re: I want to be the very best... first grow!

Enjoy the cruise. It's the get-a-ways like this that break the mundane repetitiveness of life. :surf:
Here is the progress they have made! They will be 2 weeks in 2 days (on Monday). I took your advice and Daphne(The larger of the two) has gained strength in her stem. The fan and extra soil did it.

Not to nerd out, but I've been keeping my gf updated with the great feedback I've received on here. It's great to have a community of growers (as I may not be in the state that loves the herb).

Here are pictures of the gang since I returned from a 2 day trip. I have a wick system with 4 to Daphne and 2 to Velma and Scooby. I also had an upside down bottle (maybe 4oz) that was near empty in the soil with Velma and Scooby.

Howdy All!

As promised, I am updated after my week-long cruise.

Good news! Daphne, Velma, and Scoobert all survived! My roommate reports that they are growing like weeds ;-) The wick system only seemed to works some as my roommate had to water them once while I was away. She sent me pictures and they look great. The only thing I can see in the pictures are a little bit of yellowing of the bottom most set of leaves.

From what I have seen on here, this is likely due to a lack of nutrition (maybe N?). I will upload pictures as soon as I can take some on the Canon and I hope you can help me properly identify the love I need to give.

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday season and doing what they love... I will be :roorrip:
Howdy All!

As promised, I am updated after my week-long cruise.

Good news! Daphne, Velma, and Scoobert all survived! My roommate reports that they are growing like weeds ;-) The wick system only seemed to works some as my roommate had to water them once while I was away. She sent me pictures and they look great. The only thing I can see in the pictures are a little bit of yellowing of the bottom most set of leaves.

From what I have seen on here, this is likely due to a lack of nutrition (maybe N?). I will upload pictures as soon as I can take some on the Canon and I hope you can help me properly identify the love I need to give.

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday season and doing what they love... I will be :roorrip:

Good news for sure! I am so happy that things are going smoothly, and we look forward to the pics when you can.
Having a wonderful holiday season here,.....other than the blinding new snowstorm we are getting today. LOL
Happy Holidays to you too!:xmas:
Happy Christmas Everyone!

Here is an update of my plants. The lower leaves on all of them have turned yellow. (and a few have turned brown and dry)

As I said before, the wick system didn't work so my plants didn't get much water. They were also a bit droopy. The containers they are in are only 3"x3"x3". Perhaps they have outgrown their containers with nutrition?

Also, I had an emergency blanket covering the setup to reflect light but it also seemed to reflect the heat. When I pulled it off, I could feel the warmth despite my nice little fan. So I took that off. I am sure the humidity could be raised as well. I haven't had timers on the lights so they were on 24/7 during my cruise.

Part of my Christmas present to myself will be investing in some nicer equipment now that my babies have survived... I have already purchased a really neat cabinet from a thrift store that should hold a nice SCrog'ed plant.

Enjoy the photos and I hope you are most high on this Christmas Day :)
Sounds like you have a good plan going. Short term humidity can be raised by hanging or placing a wet towel in the grow area until you get something better. Just a quick fix I've read others do. The containers appear to only be about half full of soil. You may very well be right on the outgrown part based on available space for the roots. They might need more room to play by now. ;-)
Glad to see things are still going well and hope you had a great Christmas!
Looking forward to seeing your new grow cabinet. :)
subscribed. you want from 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30-50% humidity for flowering. try to keep water droplets off your plants as they can magnify the light and burn your leaves. I read a thread on lighting cycle versus roots length and plants given 16/8 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness grew the longest roots, 18/6 was not tested. I was made aware of a study where lighting cycle versus roots length was tested and plants given at least 5.5 hours of darkness grew the most. I use 18/6 for my vegetative plants. what are you adjusting your pH to? you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Here is everything you should need to know to post full size photographs in your journal.

Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Things look great man. The droopy may be from heat stress. Those emergency blankets are more for thermal then light. Keeping your temp under 85 should prevent that. My grow runs right around 80 with some 85 spikes if I forget to turn the bedroom heater off in the morning. I noticed once my temps near 90 and she was showing signs of being stressed. One thing that can help is wrapping the pots with wet towels. It's the roots that don't like the hot temps. In nature it can exceed 100 degrees and cannabis will thrive. But there roots are in the ground which maintains a comfy 70ish degrees keeping the roots from over heating. Same concept for indoors. Keep the roots cool and you will have happy plants :)
Howdy All!

I have more pictures and need help!

I made the adjustments I described and the plants grew well in the past 3 days. They now have 4 or 5 nodes I think it is. Is that small for almost 4 weeks? I will do some looking.

My main concern is that they have been in a small amount of soil for 4 weeks... I really need to transplant them. I don't have work for the next week so I will have plenty of time to create their grow box.
The reason your bottom leaves are yellowing is either they are rootbound and/or they require nutrients. It is time to transplant your plants to larger size pots, you can also begin giving your plants 1/4 strength nutrients.
The reason your bottom leaves are yellowing is either they are rootbound and/or they require nutrients. It is time to transplant your plants to larger size pots, you can also begin giving your plants 1/4 strength nutrients.

Thanks KingJohn! I have done both of these and the yellowing seems to already be reversing in less than 24 hours. :)

Stay High,

The TickledWizard.... I'll keep an eye out for Robin Hood
Thanks North,

The soil is a bit barky and I haven't tested the pH. I am thinking of getting a pH testing kit (strips or solutions) as part of my new setup. I can't afford a $100 pH ppm meter currently.

THanks for the reply:ganjamon:
HOwdy All!

I need help diagnosing my plants problem. The leaves are starting to droop and in picture 3 they curl under and feel very dry to touch...

Any help?
They look a little over watered maybe. That soil looks like it could have used a little more perlite. Be sure that the soil drys deep, not just the top. She also looks a little hungry but that could be from ph and/or root bound. Hope this helps!! Be safe!!
Those the plants that you just transplanted and gave nutrients to, what nutrients did you use and how many milliliters or teaspoons per gallon did you give them? did you water till runoff when you transplanted?
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