May 11, 2019 #1 802Cann 420 Member I would like to won't the new ts-2000 because it seems like a great choice over the other knock off lights.
I would like to won't the new ts-2000 because it seems like a great choice over the other knock off lights.
May 11, 2019 #2 Chris Scorpio Well-Known Member Member of the Month July 2018 Think ya missed the thread my friend
May 11, 2019 #4 Carcass Well-Known Member 3 Photo of the Month June 2023 Plant of the Month March 2021 Nug of the Month May 2020 Grow Journal of the Month October 2021 Plant of the Year 2021 Photo of the Year 2022 4 Member of the Month June 2024 Welcome to 420 ! Try that same thing here: Mars Hydro Giveaway Time: Come And Win TS-2000 High PPE LED Grow Light! @AngryBird you might like this. :high-five::rollit:
Welcome to 420 ! Try that same thing here: Mars Hydro Giveaway Time: Come And Win TS-2000 High PPE LED Grow Light! @AngryBird you might like this. :high-five::rollit:
May 11, 2019 #5 MochaBud Well-Known Member Member of the Month June 2020 802Cann said: I would like to won't the new ts-2000 because it seems like a great choice over the other knock off lights. Click to expand...'re saying they're a knock off
802Cann said: I would like to won't the new ts-2000 because it seems like a great choice over the other knock off lights. Click to expand...'re saying they're a knock off
May 13, 2019 #6 Mars Hydro 420 Sponsor Thank you 802can, hope you have found the right way to the giveaway thread. it is also in my signature.
Thank you 802can, hope you have found the right way to the giveaway thread. it is also in my signature.