I started my clones & they were doing good, now look at em.."please help"! :'(


New Member
I took 2 clippings 2wks ago and 3 days ago they started showing signs of stress. Yellow leaves on New growth, 10 days of 24 hr light then my light went out. So I had to use a new smaller flourecent much smaller light. Now I got em under a small indoors light. Just something till I could get em back outside.
Is it hot outside? Did you transplant recently? Over watering under watering? Are you giving them nutes, if so it could be too soon.
It is hot and humid here in Fl...Soil, lots of water and noticed a smell (could be root rot?) not sure..Cant figure out how to post pics here either..
Yea it could be mold or root rot, and I meant too soon for nutes, 24/0 is perfect. and yea pics would help, dont worry everyone was a nub
How do I post pics? Good News my little girls started showing better signs today.. wish I could figure out how to post a pic. :(
I don't need pics to recognize that. Your stems probably rotted before they could root. Usually it's a sort of balance between the two because some part of the stem always rots, but the roots should be growing by that time, above that area.

I still get that here in the summer months when it's hot, and this is the desert! Dry as my cottonmouth. And if you're getting a smell they're probably done for. Sorry to have to tell ya.

You can check by gently lifting up on each clone to see if they're attached or not. If not, it's rotten. I've saved a few like that by cutting or pulling away the rotten stem and dipping the remaining stem in clonex and replanting in rockwool.
Thanx bro...Well actually today I tried pulling on both clones and they seemed pretty firm and rooted. So I stuck em in the Florida sunshine today and Wow what a change. They looked better after only 2hrs. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and will update soon with pics. Any other tips would be great..
well if roots you want dont go with the 24/0 but if your outside that wont be a problem maybe let them get almost dry so your roots strech and its not so damp for rot:) aint no expert boss just trying to help:peace:to post pics go to the gallery snd click how to post pics:)
Ok here is an update. My 2 little girls have survived root rot, and are now in full veg stage. I'm gonna try and post pics. My next question is how much direct sunlight do my plants need? Also if I wanna finish em up indoors when and what should I do? Thx.. happy trails. :)
right on bro love the scrog, glad to see things turned in your favor:)
Thx FishCake...Yeah i was worried...But its lookin good now...Im trying to figure out how too start a DWC or RDWC I just got my order of Feminized Vanilla Kush, OG Kush, Bubba Kush and a few freebies...
So now i need to learn how to do DWC etc..got any advice?
howdy BBQ, nope not a real help with hydro. I still am a dirt farmer, but a 2liter hempie grow sounds easy enough for a try! have you checked any of those out? if not it seems like a good starter for a first tymer.
I will say that from what I've read, that its best to get the largest container you can for the resivour. the larger the more stable everything will be. so is this because you want a faster grow? or just want to try it?
Can anybody here tell me how should I give my seedlings and clones nuts in the humidity dome? Or should I just wait for roots to come trew the rockwool and transfer them into soil

just keep them damp and maybe a little superthrive untill you plant them
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