I need to ask a question re: new posts


Well-Known Member
I noticed that a lot of posts on this forum are years old. Is there a setting that I can use to show just the most recent post? Ok, a little about myself. I was born in 1962 so I am totally illiterate about forums and posts and just the hybrids that have popped up over the years since 1980. Yeah, my hubby and I used to smoke before our kids started school. But when they started school in the late 1980s, we stopped to set an example so they would go to college and get good-paying jobs and the security that will keep them financially stable for the rest of their lives. Now that the crap storm that I and my EX-hubby put them through when they were growing up is over, I am now retired and my kids are shocked that I smoke weed for health purposes. They have no idea that we did that before they started kindergarten and now that I and my ex are having major health problems, I at least have turned to cannabis for relief. I can't take opiates because I have diverticulosis, which causes chronic constipation, which will cause pockets that can become infected. That happened the last time and I lost 6 inches of my large intestine. Sorry, I didn't mean to rant. I live in Indiana with my oldest since my mother died and I'm on an island of prohibition surrounded by legal states. And my daughter wonders why I drink. I am only on one medication for high blood pressure and no pain meds for a list of medical problems that I have and the people in the Indiana General Assembly won't legalize it to help others with the same problem as me. I'm seriously considering going the illegal route but if I do I could be putting my daughter and her family in danger of persecution. They know this and now I'm not allowed to drive their cars because they don't trust me not to go to Illinois where recreation is legal. The Indiana GOP doesn't give a crap about the Indiana voters and the voters LIKE IT!!! God!! If I wasn't brought up that suicide is a mortal sin I would have done it a long time ago. Thanks for letting me vent and Jam Jar red wine thanks you too. BTW, my daughter doesn't want me to drink either. I guess I will just be in pain for the rest of my life which I hope will be over soon.

It awesome to see ya again. There are a ton of archived threads here, and it can be a touch confusing at first.

At the top right of the menu bar you will see a "lightning bolt" icon. That's what I "click" to see all the recent posts and keep active when I have the time.

Oh how I wish we all had access to this wonderful herb that alleviates so much suffering. I had reversed my precursor symptoms of glaucoma with cannabis.

I was growing my own and making coco oil extracts. I would put a chunk in my coffee every morning for 5-6 yrs straight and smoke all day after work. That lifestyle kept my "intraocular eye pressure" low and not an issue.

Well a year of sobriety has caused the pressure in my eye to increase, and a visit to specialist is now in order. 🙄 ...elected officials are stupid. Their whole idea of what is good for somebody should by shoved up their wazoo.

I am just sitting on my seed stock and a myriad of artificial lighting just waiting for the chance. Who knows if I will even be able to with a career shift in the foreseeable future.

My wife and I had an idea to run a shuttle bus to and from illegal states to legal states and allow the passengers to blaze away. Wouldn't that be awesome? I do hope you find some way to get your hands on some of that good medicine. These laws aren't changing fast enough.

It awesome to see ya again. There are a ton of archived threads here, and it can be a touch confusing at first.

At the top right of the menu bar you will see a "lightning bolt" icon. That's what I "click" to see all the recent posts and keep active when I have the time.

Oh how I wish we all had access to this wonderful herb that alleviates so much suffering. I had reversed my precursor symptoms of glaucoma with cannabis.

I was growing my own and making coco oil extracts. I would put a chunk in my coffee every morning for 5-6 yrs straight and smoke all day after work. That lifestyle kept my "intraocular eye pressure" low and not an issue.

Well a year of sobriety has caused the pressure in my eye to increase, and a visit to specialist is now in order. 🙄 ...elected officials are stupid. Their whole idea of what is good for somebody should by shoved up their wazoo.

I am just sitting on my seed stock and a myriad of artificial lighting just waiting for the chance. Who knows if I will even be able to with a career shift in the foreseeable future.

My wife and I had an idea to run a shuttle bus to and from illegal states to legal states and allow the passengers to blaze away. Wouldn't that be awesome? I do hope you find some way to get your hands on some of that good medicine. These laws aren't changing fast enough.
Thank you. I'll probably die by the time it is legal. I have thought of ways to smoke the herb but what I will be doing is buying a car, the camper van my daughter suggested costs more than a full-size RV, going across the state line in a rented car, and staying in a motel. Edibles will be legal to consume instead of smoking outside. I thought the lawmakers believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They are keeping me from being happy.
I noticed that a lot of posts on this forum are years old. Is there a setting that I can use to show just the most recent post? Ok, a little about myself. I was born in 1962 so I am totally illiterate about forums and posts and just the hybrids that have popped up over the years since 1980. Yeah, my hubby and I used to smoke before our kids started school. But when they started school in the late 1980s, we stopped to set an example so they would go to college and get good-paying jobs and the security that will keep them financially stable for the rest of their lives. Now that the crap storm that I and my EX-hubby put them through when they were growing up is over, I am now retired and my kids are shocked that I smoke weed for health purposes. They have no idea that we did that before they started kindergarten and now that I and my ex are having major health problems, I at least have turned to cannabis for relief. I can't take opiates because I have diverticulosis, which causes chronic constipation, which will cause pockets that can become infected. That happened the last time and I lost 6 inches of my large intestine. Sorry, I didn't mean to rant. I live in Indiana with my oldest since my mother died and I'm on an island of prohibition surrounded by legal states. And my daughter wonders why I drink. I am only on one medication for high blood pressure and no pain meds for a list of medical problems that I have and the people in the Indiana General Assembly won't legalize it to help others with the same problem as me. I'm seriously considering going the illegal route but if I do I could be putting my daughter and her family in danger of persecution. They know this and now I'm not allowed to drive their cars because they don't trust me not to go to Illinois where recreation is legal. The Indiana GOP doesn't give a crap about the Indiana voters and the voters LIKE IT!!! God!! If I wasn't brought up that suicide is a mortal sin I would have done it a long time ago. Thanks for letting me vent and Jam Jar red wine thanks you too. BTW, my daughter doesn't want me to drink either. I guess I will just be in pain for the rest of my life which I hope will be over soon.
If I’m not mistaken there’s a Sponsor here that delivers anywhere. How they can get away with it I have no clue but I’m pretty sure it arrives non descriptive. CL🍀
Welcome Stargazer32862! Sorry about your states laws. Stay tuned to NORMAL, they help!

While you wait if you decide to run renegade make sure you speak to no one about it! A small grow may be for you concealed? One member, Carcass, does a great job with a small confined space that can be hidden. Check out his journal.
If I’m not mistaken there’s a Sponsor here that delivers anywhere. How they can get away with it I have no clue but I’m pretty sure it arrives non descriptive. CL🍀
I've had a few "offers" on FB and I just don't know who to trust. I will have been living in this state for 2 years this coming June, and people are nuts here! I posted twice on an Evansville gardening group and I was just joking around and my daughter knows this. I was saying that if she didn't let me gut out the yard and make it my own, I will go insane and take her with me. We like to use quotes from 1980s movies that we found hilarious. And some girl smarts off telling me that unless I'm making the mortgage payments I had better listen to my daughter. WTF??? What did I do to her and what gives her the right to talk to me like that? So I'm going to sell everything I own which isn't much, get me a car, and move back to Kentucky. I don't care if I have to sleep in my car. As long as I have access to my checking account, I will survive. Everyone in Indiana loves to practice intolerance, hate, and racism. As long as the Republican party and their co-sponsor, Eli Lilly, are in power, no one in this state has a chance at happiness. They have a bill now going through the general assembly that instead of banning AR-15s, they want to arm the teachers. What if a teacher has a meltdown in the middle of class? I guess they don't realize that those survivors of all the school shootings, especially at the school in Uvalde, TX, those kids are going to grow up and become registered Democrats. That's what I would do if I survived a school shooting. Sorry, I didn't mean to rant. I'm having a bad day that has lasted for a year and a half.
I've had a few "offers" on FB and I just don't know who to trust. I will have been living in this state for 2 years this coming June, and people are nuts here! I posted twice on an Evansville gardening group and I was just joking around and my daughter knows this. I was saying that if she didn't let me gut out the yard and make it my own, I will go insane and take her with me. We like to use quotes from 1980s movies that we found hilarious. And some girl smarts off telling me that unless I'm making the mortgage payments I had better listen to my daughter. WTF??? What did I do to her and what gives her the right to talk to me like that? So I'm going to sell everything I own which isn't much, get me a car, and move back to Kentucky. I don't care if I have to sleep in my car. As long as I have access to my checking account, I will survive. Everyone in Indiana loves to practice intolerance, hate, and racism. As long as the Republican party and their co-sponsor, Eli Lilly, are in power, no one in this state has a chance at happiness. They have a bill now going through the general assembly that instead of banning AR-15s, they want to arm the teachers. What if a teacher has a meltdown in the middle of class? I guess they don't realize that those survivors of all the school shootings, especially at the school in Uvalde, TX, those kids are going to grow up and become registered Democrats. That's what I would do if I survived a school shooting. Sorry, I didn't mean to rant. I'm having a bad day that has lasted for a year and a half.
I wouldn’t trust anyone on FB, the Cops and Feds monitor the site but @420 Magazine’s Sponsor @Best Buds I wouldn’t worry about. I think you should check them out for yourself. It might be exactly what you’re looking 👀 for. Happy 420 @Star Gazer. CL🍀:goodluck:
I wouldn’t trust anyone on FB, the Cops and Feds monitor the site but @420 Magazine’s Sponsor @Best Buds I wouldn’t worry about. I think you should check them out for yourself. It might be exactly what you’re looking 👀 for. Happy 420 @Star Gazer. CL🍀:goodluck:
I wouldn’t trust anyone on FB, the Cops and Feds monitor the site but @420 Magazine’s Sponsor @Best Buds I wouldn’t worry about. I think you should check them out for yourself. It might be exactly what you’re looking 👀 for. Happy 420 @Star Gazer. CL🍀:goodluck:
Ummm...according to his profile, he hasn't been on here since 2012.
They have a bill now going through the general assembly that instead of banning AR-15s, they want to arm the teachers.

About time they got something right. The problem isn't the firearms - it's all the crazy f*ckers running loose. If all anyone does for a "solution" is restrict firearms as much as possible, it doesn't stop a nutter from driving into a crowd of people - or doing five minutes of research, and then walking into a store and coming out with everything he/she needs to poison dozens of people (or more) for less than the cost of a nice dinner for two.

But nobody wants to see asylums, treatment centers, et cetera built in their neighborhood... so it's probably difficult to get elected if you campaign with a promise that you'll build a bunch - and then fill them.

Back when I was in school, 3/4 of the boys - and some girls, come to think of it - had at least one long gun by the time they were eight or ten. We managed to not shoot each other. Having a shotgun, .30-30/.30-06/.308/etc. rifle, .22LR rifle, AND a little pistol for plunking wasn't uncommon. (Go way back to colonial times, and most households were required to have at least one firearm.)

When I was in seventh grade, I took a POS .25 pistol that someone had traded me for an eighth-ounce of bud to school, with the intention of selling it. My homeroom teacher saw me take it out of my duffel bag and stick it in my locker. He asked me why the h*ll I brought it, and I told him. He held his hand out, so I gave him the pistol. He said, "You can have it back at the end of the day." And then he simply walked to his desk and stuck it into a drawer - no drama. No calling LEO or local news media, or even taking me to the principal. <SHRUGS> This was, of course, before it became popular to sensationalize tragedies on the local and national news shows in order to be able to charge the advertisers more. Which also means it was before some cripple-headed kid or adult could turn on the television, see a report of a school/mall/etc. shooting - complete with pictures of the perpetrator(s) - and think, "Hey, that looks cool. I could be famous!" Parents, for the most part, were interested enough to pay attention to their children... and if one of them showed signs of going barking, they tended to try to get the little monster looked at.

Now the parents seem shocked, like junior was a perfect little normal, right up until five minutes before he went batsh!t insane. He wasn't, of course. But half the people around the person just didn't bother to notice, and the other half figured it was someone else's problem. I don't know which is worse. And, instead of confining the nutters for our own good, it's hand them a prescription and point them toward the door. As if (more) pills are a solution. I guess it's easier to get the insurance to pay $100,000+ for a lifetime of prescriptions than five grand for some intensive therapy. And Congressmen are not legally prohibited from owning stock in pharmaceutical companies...

I'm not trying to belittle AR-15-related deaths. I read an article, late last year, titled "AR-15 Rifles Have Killed at Least 36 People in Mass Shootings This Year." (No, it was the people pulling the triggers, but...) However, I do feel that I should mention that an average of 400 people are beaten to death with hammers in this country each year. And something like 12,000 people are killed by intoxicated drivers. There were 80,411 deaths from opioid overdose/poisoning last year (106,699 for all drugs, total).

People have been figuring out how to kill each other - and themselves - since the species first evolved. Yes, it's an issue. But it's sort of like illegals coming across out southern border. Taking away one means is barely going to do anything to the numbers, and even that only for a short time. The only way to really fix the problem is to address the root cause. Speaking of which, in 2021 it was estimated that the USA had, during the 50 previous years, spent a TRILLION dollars on "the war on drugs." And that doesn't even count the billions of dollars that the citizenry has given to the drug lords over the years, by buying the drugs. One wonders how many people would risk deportation, incarceration, and death each year by trying to sneak north into our country in order to escape their horrible situation - if we had, instead, legalized all drugs and spent most of that money on improving the economies (etc.) of Mexico and the countries to its south. I guess we could have kept all the money spent each year on dealing with the crimes attributable to the high cost of those illegal drugs, and used it for something else.

I didn't mean to rant.

That was a rant, lol? You should see some of the ones I've posted here during the last 14 years. I used to be a bit verbose ;).
Vaporizers can be pretty discreet. So can a small indoor garden, if one has a decent carbon filter (far more discreet than getting one's cannabis products elsewhere).
Vaporizers can be pretty discreet. So can a small indoor garden, if one has a decent carbon filter (far more discreet than getting one's cannabis products elsewhere).
I've been vaping that "cannabis lite" stuff and it reminds me of the garbage I used to smoke in the mid-late 1970s. I finally got a taste of today's cannabis and the first time I must have smoked too much because I was hugging the toilet. My limit is four hits and that will last me the rest of the night. But D8 only lasts me two hours. I have a complete indoor grow set-up added to my Amazon shopping list. But I was going to use that to grow some tomatoes.
They have a bill now going through the general assembly that instead of banning AR-15s, they want to arm the teachers. What if a teacher has a meltdown in the middle of class?
About time they got something right. The problem isn't the firearms - it's all the crazy f*ckers running loose.
I have to agree with Tortured and all his views on the issue.

Stargazer, to have a better understanding of the AR situation as you posted you will have to watch the TV news stories that get into the specifics of this proposed bill. Read the newspaper articles and especially read the editiorial and opinions in major newspapers. If you do not agree with the proposal then it is important to read the opinions that are opposed to your view, that is read the articles or opinion columns that are in favor of it. Read and watch what you do not agree with to find out what the other side thinks. Way to many people will only look at what they agree or support and then claim that there is nothing on the news or in the papers. Do not fall into the trap, see what those who you do not necessarily agree with have to say and their reasoning.

No matter what side someone is on they should know and understand what the other side feels and says. It is along the lines of what Sun Tzu said in The Art of War with the comment of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

All these proposals to arm teachers are not saying that any one of the school staff will be standing in front of the class with an AR-15 strapped to their back with a sling nor will they have 10 "banana clips" hooked on their belt. Teachers will be trained and will have to go through psychological testing to be sure that they are not going to go into a "meltdown" over anything. Very few teachers will want the responsibilities of being armed and fewer will be able to pass the training.

The "arming of the teachers" is not the doom and gloom that the groups that oppose it make it out to be.

Moving on....
I wouldn’t trust anyone on FB, the Cops and Feds monitor the site but @420 Magazine’s Sponsor @Best Buds I wouldn’t worry about. I think you should check them out for yourself. It might be exactly what you’re looking 👀 for. Happy 420 @Star Gazer. CL🍀:goodluck:

UPDATE: I purchased a vape cart from them and it arrived in a priority one mailing envelope. Ok. I contacted them about mailing a larger package but they said that that is what they use. ??? Ok. What if I had a LARGE order? Will they put that in the weak envelope too? I couldn't take the chance. It would be different if I knew they would use something that won't break or a dog sniffing around. And the vape was a very strong Delta 8. I could tell it was D8 because it only lasted me two hours. Real cannabis lasts me 5 hours. So, I wanted the natural stuff not synthetic. I won't be using them anymore. Besides, Indiana just made it illegal. The only thing that is still legal is CBD.
UPDATE: I purchased a vape cart from them and it arrived in a priority one mailing envelope. Ok. I contacted them about mailing a larger package but they said that that is what they use. ??? Ok. What if I had a LARGE order? Will they put that in the weak envelope too? I couldn't take the chance. It would be different if I knew they would use something that won't break or a dog sniffing around. And the vape was a very strong Delta 8. I could tell it was D8 because it only lasted me two hours. Real cannabis lasts me 5 hours. So, I wanted the natural stuff not synthetic. I won't be using them anymore. Besides, Indiana just made it illegal. The only thing that is still legal is CBD.
Sorry you didn’t get what you wanted but I have personally dealt with @Iced Out Genetics and found their product was high quality. I think they have anything that you’re looking for. CL🍀
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