I need some advice plz


New Member
ok...ive been buying now for about 4 years and i am really getting tired of all the fucking money ive used buying pot. So ive been thinking about growin a couple of plants in some woods near a stream right across the street from my house. I need some one who has grown in woods or a field of some sort to tell me exactly what i need and where i need to grow. If you can help i would greatly appreciate it. Thanx
I've grown outdoors alot, let nature do most of the work. Planting by a stream is good for starters, must be totally concealed from the public's view, the area must get sunlight for most part of the day. check regular, water and maybe look at some organic fertilizers etc....and read the forums.
thanx carp and paralyzed for your help. Im going to start looking for some fertilizers to put in my pots tomorrow. How close do u recommend i grow to the stream tho? And how close would you recommend the plants be to eachother?
I am in the same boat- tired of having to find safe reliable sources, If I want to grow, where can I get good seeds? anybody with any good advice?
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