i need help fast- brown spots?


New Member
i need help fast. this is my healthyest plant, white widow. it is about 23 days old and i thougt i got over the hump and every thing would be ok. i started feeding it foxfarms nut big grow every time i water at half strength. dit is in fox farm soil. in a peat pot. ok this morning brown spots on the lower leaves. i want to take action of some kind. and to day i think i should water them. what should i do? what are the spots? should i stop furtilizing it. please help befor i fuck it up.



also what can i do to avoid these problems in the future. am i not following strict regime
should i give the plant exactly the same amout of water everytime i feed them? its been cold here by the way
You should have started at 1/4 strength and moved up from there. This is the plants first feeding in nutrient rich soil, you want to avoid overdoing it.

The pictures make your pot look on the small side, so I would suggest you transplant soon. Also, peat pots are fine for seedlings when well saturated but are less then optimal for maturing plants. :peace:
I'm leaning towards everyone else on this one. Looks like simple over fert to me. I would flush for a couple days with plain water PH adjusted to about 6.5. Test the run off and see where the PH level is in that water as well. After a couple days you can go back with nutes but only at 1/4 strength. The damaged leaves will not get better. They will get worse and eventually die. No worries. Keep an eye on the new growth. I wouldn't worry about transplanting them until they are healthy. Transplanting now could doom them.
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