I need a place to make glass pipes in Denver


New Member
Hello everyone.

Maybe someone here can help me. I am looking for a place that I can rent where I can do blown glass work. I am a lampworking artist by hobby and would like to get back on the torch and make some cool glass goodies for the MMJ community here in Denver. But so far I haven't been able to find a place where I can set up shop.

What is a suitable place to work? - It does not need to be too big as long as there is a decent size table and a window or large enough door to set up a lampworking ventilation system (a exhaust fan with some duct tubing) to ensure healthy air circulation while working. Your location should be able to receive liquid oxygen tank deliveries (can be kept outside). Does not have to be nice looking. It could be a back room, someone's garage, unfinished or warehousy. That's fine.

If you or anyone you know is interested in making some extra cash renting me their garage or back room so that I can work, please let me know. I will be forever grateful. Hell, if you help me find a place I will make you a free heady pipe! Hows that!?!
Re: I need a place to make glass pipes in Denver.

If you haven't found a place....and you can move.
In Longmont on main st there is a place..small, it would make a good shop. I checked for ya..the rent there is 700$ a month.
If yer interested let me know.
Re: I need a place to make glass pipes in Denver.

Dude thanks! I appreciate it!

Can't move right now though. I live close to my day job which is the main breadwinner. I checked out Longmont on google and its way north. I'm south of downtown Denver by about 25 minutes so that would be a hike.

Hopefully something will come up closer to where I live. I am also willing to team up with other glass artists who need a place to work.

Thanks again for trying for me SkinnyChef!! You're the man!
Re: I need a place to make glass pipes in Denver.

Check out the arts district on Santa Fe around 10th-14th streets in Denver. Have not been down there in a long time but if you look a few blocks in any direction many places had extra space. No clue to costs.
Muchas grassy-ass WillyBudz... I will check it out!
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