I need a lil help


New Member
ok...ive been smoking for a couple years off and on...and smoking regularly (like 5-10 times a week) for about 4 or 5 months...and my last 1/4 oz. i got from my buddy didnt get me that high...my question is...why didnt i get high this time...i dont know about all the things having to do with the THC getting into your system but here's what i did...i got the weed and when i got home i decided to prep it all so i could smoke easily whenever i wanted (i live at home with my fam so its tough to smoke whenever i want)...what i did was broke/cut it into tiny pieces with my fingers and scizzors so i could roll a blunt or joint very easily...i get this same stuff from him all the time and its usually great stuff...whats diff about this time...is it because i cut it all up and maybe the THC was released from the pot...idk what the deal is but i've smoked almost the whole 1/4 oz. and havent gotten really high off it at all...some nights ive smoked 3-4 big big big joints...and still not much of a high feeling...anyone care to comment or give advice?
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