I Love My Dugout


New Member
My favorate preference is to smoke out of a bong or bubbler or a glass bowl.But the dugout gives me so much freedom to smoke just about anywhere.I can smoke in front of a mall or store.I can casually smoke it in the car.I have been able to do it walking down a busy street.:cool: :joint:
The ones that I have seen are wooden cases with a hole that you keep your bud in and you have one of the one hitters that looks like a cig and all you have to do is push the end of it down in the hole that keeps yoru bud and it gets packed. Then you light up and boom looks like your smoking a cig and its a 1 hitter weed dugout. They are cool and handy but I doubt I will ever get one.
I had one for awhile, lost it. Gonna pick up a new one soon, with a glass cig bat.
Yeah dug-outs are really nice and concealable. I like ones with the weed section coated in glass on the inside so you don't loose bits of bud. I have one with a full-sized cigarette one hitter, it never made sense to me why anyone would smoke in public with a half-cigarette bat, because cops would see that and think "why is he lighting half a cigarette?" and then BAM. A light bulb goes off in the pig's head. lol
They can really make a lousy day go by quick.Hell,they turn lousy days into fun days.Slow at work?Step outside for a smokebreak.Visiting the inlaws?You get the drift.And they don't stink.
I don't even know what a dugout is, (Are they like bats?) and I rarely use bongs, or pipes. I normally just roll a J, and smoke up that way. I'm too damn cheap for accessories, hehe!

You guys think I'm missing out?
yo im the same way..i mean if im at home u know im hittin the volcano or my bong. But nothing beats my dugout when im on the road or on the streets or on campus. anywhere. mine is about 10 years old too...shes been through a lot with me. unfortinatley for me when i went home i stuffed the last couple of grams of my homegrown nl's in there...and now i smoke the last of my precious chronic outta a metal pipe, but its all gravity.
its my favorite piece next to my bong. my dugout that is
old_smokey9483 said:
I have one with a full-sized cigarette one hitter, it never made sense to me why anyone would smoke in public with a half-cigarette bat, because cops would see that and think "why is he lighting half a cigarette?" and then BAM. A light bulb goes off in the pig's head. lol

i wouldn't say it automatically sets off the cop's thoughts because i kno when i used to somke i'd put out my cigs half way sometimes and then light them up again later.

I had one for a long time, but got into a car accident (I was sober) and had to throw it. THe one problem with them is that as soon as you get one, it will become your favorite piece and you will become a daily smoker in dangerous places. Best invention since the vaporizer.
Wish I had a dug out.

Closest thing I have is a sucrets container that I can keep my pipe, mini-bic, and probably the best of a quarter and maybe a half in. So I usually just roll up a few J's and either grab the roach clips or smokin' rock. Even though the rock is more paraphenelia than I like to have on me.
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