I just can't stop


Well-Known Member
Like the title states: I just can't stop looking at my plants. It has been several years since I have grown anything and have recently picked up where I left off years ago. My problem is that my plants are flowering and have about 3 weeks left I'm estimating and I can't stop going in to check them out. It seems I have developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder to keep checking them out. It seems like it's the only thing on my mind now. What an amazing plant to grow and learn from. Still learning after 10 + years

Now that I am home all day everyday it seems I walk out into my garden more times than would be normal I guess , I see no issues call it obsessive, I don't mind, some.go to bars, strip clubs, shopping, walking, biking, well I like staring g at my plants all.the time and usually I'm all up in their business, rather obtrusive.....wish I could do more work in the garden than I do, I just can't for reasons, health being top due to work injury, sorry for rant
Now that I am home all day everyday it seems I walk out into my garden more times than would be normal I guess , I see no issues call it obsessive, I don't mind, some.go to bars, strip clubs, shopping, walking, biking, well I like staring g at my plants all.the time and usually I'm all up in their business, rather obtrusive.....wish I could do more work in the garden than I do, I just can't for reasons, health being top due to work injury, sorry for rant
Just do a little bit each time you are looking at your plants. I find I look at my plants every 15 minutes or so. I also do a little trimming every now and then. :thumb: 🍋
I find myself doing the same thing I have to check them out a few times every hour. It is not a bad habit.
I did the same for awhile but noticed something that I figured was not good about the habit.

The more often I went into the room and checked on the plants the more likely I was to loose track of how old they were, or long they were actively flowering or how long since the last time they were fertilized.

I had started keeping basic notes from the start and found that more than once it saved me.

Then there was the time that I was planning out the flowering of a particular clone. I was going to transplant for the last time and allow two weeks of root growth before putting it into the flowering tent. The day arrived and I went to the room, admired the cloned plant a bit. Then I got the trowel, the new pot, and the bucket of potting soil mix and set up the work table. As soon as I picked it up I realized something was not right and read the notes taped to the pot.

I had already transplanted it two days before :) but had been walking in so often I lost track;).
Too funny, I have the exact same problem. I cant avoid peeking ! I even write notes to myself in my grow journal, "no peeking for at least 3 days !"... I feel that leaving your plants alone is a good cure for giving them too much love. Sometimes plants need a little vacation from us humans... (although they do still love us)

One great trick is to add a second hobby to your growing, Photography. You can take weekly pics to watch your progress and you can still look at your plants all you want !

Your plants look amazing, those buds are looking crazy good. I can see why you love to look at them.
It seem we all have the syndrome, we should try and research it and name it. It does get compulsive at times for me, if it's a crappy day an I can't get outdoors I'm hovering over them and talking with them... they haven't started talking back yet but when I lean in to trim lower leaves the upper leaves touch my head an do like Vulcan mind meld on me. I've tried ignoring them a bit during veg they an I enjoyed our time apart. but once flowering started I couldn't take it any more and was back to watching them all day. My grow box is in my bedroom so I just lay in bed looking at them longingly, fantasizing about harvest an drying an smoking those big sticky buds, sorry I may need a moment... Ok in my case it's cuz I'm a crazy wornout old man with no life other than my plants without them I'd just be looking out the window all da watching the world go by. As always forgive any typos an misspelling
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