I got Problems


New Member
Ok where do i start.... heres some pics then ill decribe my predicament!

Temps 73 Humidity 60%

Ive heard that you could run the water on the roots at all times, i run 18hr regiments with cfls and t5s. The nuts im running at the moment is all FF Grow big and Big Bloom 1/2 strength. PH at the moment is 5.8 i fix it evey morning with PH down back to 5.0-5.2.

Im using a Sun Leaves 396gph pump with some random sprinklers. They run 18 hrs and just started having problems...question though aren't they suppose to have a dry period??

Im just throwing this out there i believe i have an iron, mg, calcium, and zinc diffecencys. Idk ive never had this many problems pop up at once, the leaves are turning upside down on a couple as well as curling upwards.

Any imput is much appriciated. Thank You







At this point they should be ready for a simple DWC set up. You need about 3-6" of the roots in the water for that. All you need is an air pump and airstone in the res and it runs 24/0. A PH of 5.0-5.2 will cause nute problems. The sweet spot in hydro is 5.8-6.0. What is the temp of your water? Any higher than about 72 degrees is a breeding ground for root rot and other problems.
there isnt anything wrong with that set up....design wise. you have what you want now and I like the setup. with that size pump you have great agititation. you could add a small air stone and pump if you want...cant hurt.
run the pump 24/ no matter what. get your Ph where its supposed to be..5.5-6.2
let the ph wander up from 5.5-6.2...different nutes absorb at diff ph levels. dont try to hard target a specific ph level.
stick with 50% nutes until the roots get more established. those plants will be fine..GREAT JOB on the setup...just need a lil tweeking. reps bro!
My roots are a foot or longer on each plant..they are 3 weeks old, spent about 3days in rootwool bagged up. The temp of my water is 70. I was wondering if i should put an airstone in, thanks! Does anyone one know what might be wrong with them curling? Started sun/monday and eversince i drained the tank on sunday ive gotten spots on almost every plant? They look healthy just want to fix any problem and understand my faults. Thanks for the quick response guys.
My roots are a foot or longer on each plant..they are 3 weeks old, spent about 3days in rootwool bagged up. The temp of my water is 70. I was wondering if i should put an airstone in, thanks! Does anyone one know what might be wrong with them curling? Started sun/monday and eversince i drained the tank on sunday ive gotten spots on almost every plant? They look healthy just want to fix any problem and understand my faults. Thanks for the quick response guys.

an airstone is always good but it wont fix your problem. did you change it to 24 hrs yet??...VERY important. I have a 60 site ez cloner which is the same thing as what you built. I turned my pump off for 4 hrs by mistake and they plants took 2 weeks to recover...they dont like that
yes they are starving....your killing them with the pump off....your gonna lose alot of leaves...just to let you know. you dont have alot of roots to take in strong nutes and they are taking nothing with the pump off.
Ok where do i start.... heres some pics then ill decribe my predicament!

Temps 73 Humidity 60%

Ive heard that you could run the water on the roots at all times, i run 18hr regiments with cfls and t5s. The nuts im running at the moment is all FF Grow big and Big Bloom 1/2 strength. PH at the moment is 5.8 i fix it evey morning with PH down back to 5.0-5.2.

Im using a Sun Leaves 396gph pump with some random sprinklers. They run 18 hrs and just started having problems...question though aren't they suppose to have a dry period??

Im just throwing this out there i believe i have an iron, mg, calcium, and zinc diffecencys. Idk ive never had this many problems pop up at once, the leaves are turning upside down on a couple as well as curling upwards.

Any imput is much appriciated. Thank You

<snip pix>


I let my DWC tubs pH wander from 5.2 to 6.0. This allows the different nutes to be accessed at their prime pH levels. Add a tbsp of epsom salts for a little extra Mg and some sulphur.

Air stone will help a lot. If some nutes or trace elements precipitate out of sol'n at a bad pH the bubbles will mix it back in when the pH becomes favorable to dissolve them again. Peroxide is a regular thing with me too for extra 02 and algae control.

+Rep to help you along! :popcorn: :bong:

C'ya L8r.

At this point they should be ready for a simple DWC set up. You need about 3-6" of the roots in the water for that. All you need is an air pump and airstone in the res and it runs 24/0. A PH of 5.0-5.2 will cause nute problems. The sweet spot in hydro is 5.8-6.0. What is the temp of your water? Any higher than about 72 degrees is a breeding ground for root rot and other problems.

You're kidding right? Guy posts with a very simple solution to a problem, and you tell him to change grow styles? What kind of help is that? I certainly appreciate your devotion, but wow...just...wow.

there isnt anything wrong with that set up....design wise. you have what you want now and I like the setup. with that size pump you have great agititation. you could add a small air stone and pump if you want...cant hurt.
run the pump 24/ no matter what. get your Ph where its supposed to be..5.5-6.2
let the ph wander up from 5.5-6.2...different nutes absorb at diff ph levels. dont try to hard target a specific ph level.
stick with 50% nutes until the roots get more established. those plants will be fine..GREAT JOB on the setup...just need a lil tweeking. reps bro!

an airstone is always good but it wont fix your problem. did you change it to 24 hrs yet??...VERY important. I have a 60 site ez cloner which is the same thing as what you built. I turned my pump off for 4 hrs by mistake and they plants took 2 weeks to recover...they dont like that

My man, listen to what he's telling you. It will salvage your grow. They are just starving to death.
not to take anything awy from MostlyCrazy but, I would dfinetly listen to PIt on this one. If you check his journal out, the roots out of his EZ Cloner are just (((NUTS))). They look like a battle axes after a week. Trust me Pit has that system down. Best advice Hands down..good luck Bud..hope to see you around.
Sorry, that was not my intent. I hadn't seen a set up like that before and just made assumptions in my zeal to help. You caught me and I appreciate the help provided by PitVipor and told him so when I repped him earlier today. I stand by my advice to get the ph up and add an airstone.
I just added a 20gallon air pump and 1' stone to see what happens. I didnt want to mess with peroxide just beacuse i've always been told its poison to plants. i have about...15-18 gallons of water in the unit so ill try the epson after a day or so se if anything clears up. Thanks for the help and input very helpful.:thanks:
I just added a 20gallon air pump and 1' stone to see what happens. I didnt want to mess with peroxide just beacuse i've always been told its poison to plants. i have about...15-18 gallons of water in the unit so ill try the epson after a day or so se if anything clears up. Thanks for the help and input very helpful.:thanks:

smart move on the airstone. It'll definetly help.
My roots are a foot or longer on each plant..they are 3 weeks old, spent about 3days in rootwool bagged up. The temp of my water is 70. I was wondering if i should put an airstone in, thanks! Does anyone one know what might be wrong with them curling? Started sun/monday and eversince i drained the tank on sunday ive gotten spots on almost every plant? They look healthy just want to fix any problem and understand my faults. Thanks for the quick response guys.

Please let us know what EC / PPM you are currently running your solution at. Given you description I would be running my nutes around 1200PPM or 2.4 EC with plants that size. However I use different types of nutes for hydro. Start at 1000ppm and go up from there. They just look hungry.
Sorry, that was not my intent. I hadn't seen a set up like that before and just made assumptions in my zeal to help. You caught me and I appreciate the help provided by PitVipor and told him so when I repped him earlier today. I stand by my advice to get the ph up and add an airstone.

takes a big man to admit it when he makes a mistake, +reps to you for that.

pit + reps to you too if it lets me. great adivce. the airstone will bring in fresh air from the room instead of just recirculating the air that's in the res. get those ppm's up and you'll be fine.
unfortunity i dont have a ppm gauge idk why i havent made it out to the store yet..ik i need one bad. Leaves are dry and very brittle on a few turning black and twisting...i thought i added very little nuts but now im wondering if i added to much...
you dont need a PPM meter. drain it down and fill with water, I know you just drained it but the mix is suspect..I think you should go at least 50% strenth..75% is better...follow the directions on your bottle. set the PH to 5.8. let them rip
unfortunity i dont have a ppm gauge idk why i havent made it out to the store yet..ik i need one bad. Leaves are dry and very brittle on a few turning black and twisting...i thought i added very little nuts but now im wondering if i added to much...

If anything it sounds like they are low on P. Potassium deficiency shows like you describe.

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