Hydro sanitizing help


Well-Known Member

I use physan 20 to clean my Current culture RDWC hydro system. Does anyone know is this safe to run through my water pumps and water chiller? Let me know what you guys think. Have to sanitize my hydro system and inside my tent Friday. Any advice is appreciated!
Yes. It's comparable to using a howitzer to kill a housefly, lol - but yes.


By the way, please do not create identical threads mere minutes apart. There's a tendency to cause two separate discussions about the exact same thing, but with a different set of participants in each. It can lead to confusion, information becoming "lost in the shuffle," as it were, et cetera. (Thanks!)
Sorry I messaged 420 asked them to remove the one under frequently asked questions. I wish I could’ve deleted it.. I didn’t mean to post it in there wanted it in hydroponics..
I did, too :p. I usually just do that, but then I noticed that you're new here, and thought to mention it to you so you would know.

No worries, and no harm done. Remember not to use more than directed of that product. . . .
We're not particular - we'll take anyone from anywhere.

Just kidding.

No, wait... That didn't exactly make it seem any nicer, did it, lol? What I meant was: Welcome to 420 Magazine :welcome:. We're glad you're here. And we don't require members to cancel their memberships at other cannabis forums, turn in their secret decoder rings, etc.

Although you might end up discovering that you just don't have as much time to spend at those other forums ;).

Enjoy - and have a happy grow!
I’m done with the other forums haha. I don’t have time to be on 3. I was looking for an all around good forum not to bouncing around from forum to forum. I run a business. Technically I shouldn’t be on this forum as much as I am. But this is my hobby has been for years.
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