Hydro - Questions on flowering stage


New Member

This is a test type thing to see if i could make a system that works. So far its been fun with just a couple missteps. I have been looking through the forums here and have a couple questions at this point.

First: I just set my timer to 12/12 for flowering - 6/14. Should I trim the fan leaves? Some here have stated they take valuable resources and others have said they store resources that the plant will use later if it needs it. Both arguments made sense while I was reading them so I'm not sure what to do with them.

Second: My nutrients say to add to every other watering. In a hydro system what does that mean? In soil I don't think I would water every day, maybe once or twice a week. So does that mean I only need to add nutes once every other week?

Thnx Elo
Re: Hydro - Questions on flowering stage...

Na man just add them end man, just nute them every other time u water. When they get big u will water more often as the plants surface area is increased exposing more vegitation to the atmosphere thus hastening respiration and increasing evaporation. Basically the bigger the plant the more moisture it will pull out of the soil thru capillary action. In the later stages u will surely need to water every day or every other day. I recommend mixing your nuts a tad bit weak, 1400-1500 ppm once the plants are mature and can handle it, les when they are younger. Unlike a hydro grow your not going to drain to a rez. The nuts are going to accumulate in the soil as the water evaporates thus concentrating the nutrient. Mixing a little weak is just a security measure but I feel a nessissary one. Good luck.
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