Hung out to dry


New Member
I am germinating my seeds in a DVD case with paper towel wet on both sides of the seeds. I am raising the heat a bit by using my laptop exhaust. The problem is I drove six hour hours today and when I got back home the paper towel was dry as a bone. Are my seeds fucked? I rewetted them asap but have this horrible feeling that I damaged them beyond return. Please tell they will be ok. They have only been germinating for one day so far.
you should be cool...put the towel in a zipploc if it is dryin out to fast or move away from the heat source both should help from dryin too fast...make sure to change the towel everyday also
i like the paper towel method...(personally) but you should try to make it ziplock or plastic wrap.

i normally place them between paper towels in a ceramic plate then plastic wrap the plate so that the moisture is not able to leave. I also leave the wrapped plate on top of my fridge near the back (warmth and darkness)...u should only need to re-wet them every few days
ya i soak 24 hours then put in towel
I was kind of a dumbass. I had twenty White widow seeds and mixed them up with a shit load of bagseed though it was good bagseed. I had four germ. and two of them have cracked. They are already in the ground. Just waiting on the other too. Has anyone used peat pots before? They say you dont have to transplant? I would imagine you just bury the whole thing when your seedling pops out. Would anyone recomend them. If you need pics let me know I can have some up in a day. They are kind of like rockwool but empty. I am thinking of putting my clones in these. Any thought would be greatly appreciated.
they work alright used them before outside...i just use party cups with holes in the bottom cheap and works good
I just put them in a plastic bag with paper towel and put them in the dark. Seeds dont need light to start off visit them in 2 to 4 days and come with pots and soil.
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