

New Member
Other than buying a humidifier, is there any way to increase the humidity in my room, without raising the temp too much? Also, It gets entirely too cold in my closet during the dark period would a small heater solve this problem without creating new ones?? Any feedback would help. Thx!!
I have had low humidity issues and bought a small personal humidifier that I put outside of my tent (no room inside) and the mist is sucked in through a side vent. It works ok but not great. Got my RH up about 10-14%. I would love to get it up another 10% or so. I fill it with distilled water and it uses about 20-25 ounces a day.

Just how cold does your closet get when it goes dark? I would think a small room heater would solve the problem but it may get way to hot also? I have one (not for my grow area) that seems to get way to hot.....even when I turn it to it's lowest setting. You would really have to monitor it for a couple of days to see.

Another consideration it having the heater on a timer that works opposite of your lights.....and, if it's a concern, they can draw some amps.

peace and good luck....
If you raise the temps then the humidity should decrease. Warm air hold more water vapor, which lowers humidity.

I think you are asking two different questions.

How cold does it get at night? What is your current humidity at?

Edit: To clarify, Are you trying to increase the humidity or are you trying to raise the temps at night? Or both?
Forgot to add that I also placed a container with water and a sponge under my fan that is inside my tent....Not sure how well it works by itself? I do have to refill it with water every other day. I stand the sponge upright in the thought was it would give me more "wet" surface area and help to get the moisture in the air? But I really have no idea.

Hi champ!

I had the very same problem as I vegged with a 600W MH lamp. I got the problem solved almost ridiculously easy. I grow in a homebox so my floor is waterproof. Also I have a layer of foamed clay down last in my pots. So I just took a bucket with 10L of water and poured it right into the tent between the plants. The water spreaded out very thin on my 2sqm and the hum went up about 15-20% in minutes.
I am using a small warm mist humidifier. My grow space is very very limited but i still made room for a humidifier, as its imperative to proper growth. I had the same issues, very cold nights, and about 15% humidity. The humidifier solved my problem easily, you just have to keep it set to about 30%, and it stays about 50-60%. It only costed 39.99 at the depot, which is pretty worth it since it boosts temp and humidity. Hope this helps, and good luck!
Thank U everyone, for all your input and information! Very Useful! Im going to try a few, if not all of these suggestions!! Im trying to do both! It gets way to cold during the dark hours but even in the day time it just doesn't seem humid enough if at all. I don't currently have anything to measure it with( that would help for starters) but i know i need both the temp, at night and the humidity, in general to increase. The closet im using is quite small, no windows or anything, but its winter here, im having a hard time keeping everything insulated. :) thanks again for all your info and help!
Id hold off on buying any humidifers or other equipment to deal with the humidity until you buy something to measure it with. You can get a cheap one for like 5 bucks

Whats your daytime temps? If you can get your temp closer to 75 rather than 80 you can raise the humidity in a small room with decent effect.

The night temps are a concern because you want to protect the roots. A heating pad might help. A small space heater could work but these are fire hazards and might take awhile for you to get it dialed in.
Billmoe: ok thanks! Good News though! Got my hands on a humidifier!!! The daytime temp, is usually between 70 and 80, just depends! You never who the hell it is in your family with asthma until you ask about a humidifier, suddenly your aunt's house becomes a hardware store of appliances!!!!! Thanks again for everyone's input. I hope i can find one of those things to measure it at lowes. *More photos of my new grow op,coming soon*
If your humidity is real low, adding water to the air will lower your temps some.

Also, you can get small little temp/humidity gauges at WalMart for under $5. The also keep track of the highs and lows. I have about 8 of them all over the grow closets.

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