Humidity Late Flower - Ugh


Well-Known Member
So as some of you may know, this is my first grow in several years (as it is legal now) and still relearning/re-remembering things from the past. My first mistake was I didn't get the girls into flowering at the height I like (life and stuff got in the way) and they grew way too tall for my liking They are at 52" in the 5x5 gorilla tent. Anyway, the humidity is in the late 40's/early 50's lights on and creeps up to mid 60's by lights on time after having their 12 hour rest. The tent is always open when lights are on (1200w HPS running in air-cooled glass enclosed fixtures) hooked to a 6" hurricane fan which is always on high. , 2 ac infinity fans - 1 at top of canopy back left corner, 1 ac infinity back right corner at mid plant, and a 12" circulating fan at the base (on low), The temps lights on 78-80 degrees F, lights off ranges from 65 to 75 lights off. only couple weeks left and the buds are big and fat. There is no sign of humidity related problems and the only time I had a problem was with DWC (I run Hempy buckets now) and only a couple weeks left. Do you all think I should break out the dehumidifier when lights out? I don't expect any problems if I don't because of all the airflow but then again - it's been awhile and am rusty. pic is from a few days ago.

Yep but just as info… I’m scaredy cat on pm & bud rot so I run dehum 24X7 starting at 2nd week of flower all the way until the chop

Nice garden dude!
Much like @013 i am scared of budrot and I’m at the start of flower and have 2 dehumidifier’s designed for a bedroom in my tent!

My goal is mid to high 40% come mid to late flower yet I can’t hit those numbers as it is now soooooo…

I would look at what your extremes are and for how long. So what does the last hour of lights off look like ? Low 60% RH can be ok so long as the temp is high enough. What you do t want is cold wet plants :)

If I were you I would put the dehuey in :)
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