Humidifier in flower tent


Well-Known Member
My tent is having some humidity issues due to very low humidity (in low 30's - winter time) which is causing a high vpd (over 2.0). I have never had a humidifier in the flower tent as moisture and mold go together. But since the humidity is so low, was considering putting an ac infinity humidifier in the tent as it can be controlled but hesitant due to adding moisture in the flower tent. Last thing I want is bud rot!

Anybody run a humidifier in their flower tent (dryer climate growers)?
I growing in CT winter time rn, I would strongly recommend if possible putting humidifier in the lung room instead of in the flower tent. This will raise rh evenly with no wet spots. What week of flower you on ? I usually bring my rh down to around 30% to 45% after first 4 weeks of flower. So unless you in the beging of flower that's not too bad of numbers.
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