Humic Acid good or bad?


Well-Known Member
I see people recommending humic acid, but then i read articles saying it can reduce THC levels by almost 40%? Anyone have actual real life experience with this supplement?
Hey tallboy2023,

I add powdered Leonardite (humic acid) to my soil mixes and also to my feed water. I’m growing in SIPs (sub irrigated planters) and SWICKs (soil wicking / bottom watering) style of growing. I’m using a local bagged soil with 40% extra aeration via rice hulls, the rice hulls also supply silica

Anyway I’ve been using humic acid for about a year now. I’m not feeling a reduction in THC levels, a few puffs and I’m good to go.

Read a blurb the other week that 5 parts humic acid mixed with 2 parts kelp is supposed to deliver killer roots… I’ve been adding this accordingly but have not done autopsy on rootball so IDK.

but I’m thrilled to hang out and learn what the collective has to say
Interesting. Your comments and question sent me down the path and I quickly found what you must be talking about.

There was a study of some kind that was released in 2019 and mentioned the research into the use and effects of Humic Acid when studying plants that were for Medicinal uses. Then in 2021 someone published a book discussing further research or an explanation of the 2019 research. Most of what I found were just mentions pointing back at those two and I did not notice new research.

Near as I can figure using small amounts of Humic Acid and/or Fulvic Acid is good for the overall health of a plant, especially the root system, and good for the plants roots to take in nutrients. The bad side is when too much of either the Humic or Fulvic Acids are used it has an effect of reducing THC and CBD levels found in the flowers.

There is an old thread, going back about 10 years, about Humates that has been brought back to life. It might be of interest.
Interesting. Your comments and question sent me down the path and I quickly found what you must be talking about.

There was a study of some kind that was released in 2019 and mentioned the research into the use and effects of Humic Acid when studying plants that were for Medicinal uses. Then in 2021 someone published a book discussing further research or an explanation of the 2019 research. Most of what I found were just mentions pointing back at those two and I did not notice new research.

Near as I can figure using small amounts of Humic Acid and/or Fulvic Acid is good for the overall health of a plant, especially the root system, and good for the plants roots to take in nutrients. The bad side is when too much of either the Humic or Fulvic Acids are used it has an effect of reducing THC and CBD levels found in the flowers.

There is an old thread, going back about 10 years, about Humates that has been brought back to life. It might be of interest.
I knew you or Emmy would come up with a sensible answer - I haven't a Scooby
Humic acid is actually a combination of 3 different acids, and is one of the most powerful acids we know. It's primary purpose in this world is to break down the components that make up soil, and to fuse these all together into a new structure with the special properties we associate with soil. When I mix up a supersoil, I add a bit of humic acid to be an important part of the "cooking" process. We can experience the heat that builds up in a compost pile, and part of this heat is being created by the humic acid.

I have never seen much sense in adding this powerful acid to an active grow. Since these acids can eat up most anything, it has always sent up red flags of warning to me when I hear of people pouring this on their roots. I guess in moderation it could help aid in breaking down the soil back into its primary components, but can it do this without damaging the roots or killing some vital microbes or fungi? These questions have kept me from using it during a grow, even though I know there are products out there for just this use. My bag of humic acid stays on the shelf until I make a new batch of supersoil.
Wouldn't the 3 components or "acids" Emilya was referring to be Humin, Humic Acid, and Fulvic acids as referenced in DTE,'s video about the 1:20 mark? Sorry, I am no scientist and still learning, but that is how I took it
They are exactly that. 3 different substances. Humic Acid is not the same as Fulvic , or Humin.

It is understandable, this can be easily misinterpreted.

They are exactly that. 3 different substances. Humic Acid is not the same as Fulvic , or Humin.

It is understandable, this can be easily misinterpreted.

From Wiki: By definition, humic acid is soluble in water at neutral and alkaline pH, but insoluble at acidic pH < 2. Fulvic acid is soluble in water at any pH. Humin is not soluble in water at any pH. Hymatomelanic acid is part of humic acid that is soluble in ethanol.
I use it in moderation like everything else in living reused soil like stated above it helps break down organic matter into usable food for the microbes not the plants then in turn the microbes feeds the plants. The all natural way to get humic acid is passively strain GOOD FINISHED compost (Can't stress that enough) through cheese cloth best humic acid you can use according to Dr Ingrams testing.Its not leachate and its not compost tea Runtz muffin✌️

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