Humboldt White Truffle plus JR14


Well-Known Member
I got the seeds as a freebie.

This is one of the most impressive plants I've ever grown.

It's currently in a 7 gallon VivoSun felt pot and has been under 12/12 since 06/22.

It is currently 6'3" from the ground and has been just a few inches shy of touching my light since it stretched.

I am thoroughly blown away by it's production.

Milky white trichomes from the very start. And now it's turning a deep purple color at the top.
My hope is that it's a long sativa based plant so will take longer to finish and that all the bud sites join. If they do join it will have buds over two foot tall. I suspect about a foot of it will join together for sure. But it is covered in trichs and stayed dark green throughout the entire grow.










Absolutely Beautiful. :bravo: WoW!
Nice work my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The perlite layering method you showed me is superior on a medium grow for sure. I used it on all plants except the one you can see in the background. And clearly it is having a bit of issues.

But the rest of my plants are all doing phenomenal. With the pH reagent solution and the perlite method I'm pretty sure things have been made way easier. I dont see issues anywhere on any plant grown with the layering perlite method.

Thanks again Bill! Those two pieces of information are invaluable. I suppose you dont understand the importance of proper pH until you see results.
Some more photos from today.

I had no idea what to expect from this plant because nobody put photos up on Reddit and there is no photos on Humboldt site. But it's just an unreal plant.
Who would have expected 6'3" and zero issues through an entire grow inside?






The perlite layering method you showed me is superior on a medium grow for sure. I used it on all plants except the one you can see in the background. And clearly it is having a bit of issues.

But the rest of my plants are all doing phenomenal. With the pH reagent solution and the perlite method I'm pretty sure things have been made way easier. I dont see issues anywhere on any plant grown with the layering perlite method.

Thanks again Bill! Those two pieces of information are invaluable. I suppose you dont understand the importance of proper pH until you see results.
So glad everything is working out for you :thumb:
Layers for the win. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So glad everything is working out for you :thumb:
Layers for the win. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You know this plant never had a single clear trichome on it.
At first signs of budding it grew with trichs already milky. They are short at first. But all milky to start

So now I am trying to get Humboldt to tell me if it's a 7 to 9 week average budding plant or 14 week more sativa budding plant.

It's so damn tall it makes me think it's going to take longer than usual. But I would bet if you pulled something off of it the day you see a bud pop up it would already have THC. How on earth does this plant do this well? It's unusually doing well. I've seen not one single issue with it through the entire grow.

This plant should win an award. It's that exceptional.







You know this plant never had a single clear trichome on it.
At first signs of budding it grew with trichs already milky. They are short at first. But all milky to start

So now I am trying to get Humboldt to tell me if it's a 7 to 9 week average budding plant or 14 week more sativa budding plant.

It's so damn tall it makes me think it's going to take longer than usual. But I would bet if you pulled something off of it the day you see a bud pop up it would already have THC. How on earth does this plant do this well? It's unusually doing well. I've seen not one single issue with it through the entire grow.

This plant should win an award. It's that exceptional.







Enter her in Plant of the month for September. :adore:
Well done :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Enter her in Plant of the month for September. :adore:
Well done :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I read and still dont understand how I enter. Do I just post photos on the forum page for the contest?
Should I wait to take new photos on Sept 1?

I will enter it. But it appeared that you cant nominate yourself in the rules. But it seemed everyone was nominating themselves. Maybe I read something wrong.

Edit: I read the first time on my cell phone and I may have been reading a different contest. I read it again on my PC and was able to figure it out. Thanks Bill. I dont know that a full photo of this plant tells the story. Being 6'3" tall makes the bud areas look much smaller than they actually are. I suppose my second photo should be of one of the bud sites. Or maybe a few. I wish they would let you post like 5 photos. That would be perfect.
I read and still dont understand how I enter. Do I just post photos on the forum page for the contest?
Should I wait to take new photos on Sept 1?

I will enter it. But it appeared that you cant nominate yourself in the rules. But it seemed everyone was nominating themselves. Maybe I read something wrong.

Edit: I read the first time on my cell phone and I may have been reading a different contest. I read it again on my PC and was able to figure it out. Thanks Bill. I dont know that a full photo of this plant tells the story. Being 6'3" tall makes the bud areas look much smaller than they actually are. I suppose my second photo should be of one of the bud sites. Or maybe a few. I wish they would let you post like 5 photos. That would be perfect.
Contents start on the first of the month.
You have until the 15th to enter.
Member of the month and journal of the month require someone to nominate you.
You can’t enter those under your name.
You can only nominate others.
Plant, Nug and Photo are the ones you can enter.
Upload your photos first.
Then pick a picture of the whole plant and a good one of the buds then post it in the plant of the month contest.
Doesn’t matter the date as long as it’s your plant.
Then you can choose your best picture and enter it in photo of the Month.
So go check it out and vote for your favorites.
Then September first just go to the new thread Renee starts and post your entries.
Rock & Roll :theband:
Good luck Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Update photos. This plant is wicked looking. The pictures don't even do it justice.
It also won't stop growing new bud. Its so far nearly ten weeks in flower. I'm not sure when it will be finished. Since it is so close to my light I'm shocked it didn't burn up. But it didn't








Update photos. This plant is wicked looking. The pictures don't even do it justice.
It also won't stop growing new bud. Its so far nearly ten weeks in flower. I'm not sure when it will be finished. Since it is so close to my light I'm shocked it didn't burn up. But it didn't








Really well done. :welldone:
The plant the photography the set up the complete package. :adore:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Here is is ready to harvest. It's showing too much amber but the end smell is really sweet with hints of white chocolate. Such a strange plant.

I suppose I could have waited a bit longer but it has to be sativa based and id rather it be all milky with no amber but I waited to see some amber low before deciding.




I got the seeds as a freebie.

This is one of the most impressive plants I've ever grown.

It's currently in a 7 gallon VivoSun felt pot and has been under 12/12 since 06/22.

It is currently 6'3" from the ground and has been just a few inches shy of touching my light since it stretched.

I am thoroughly blown away by it's production.

Milky white trichomes from the very start. And now it's turning a deep purple color at the top.
My hope is that it's a long sativa based plant so will take longer to finish and that all the bud sites join. If they do join it will have buds over two foot tall. I suspect about a foot of it will join together for sure. But it is covered in trichs and stayed dark green throughout the entire grow.










I'm currently growing Humboldt Dream 😀 loving my babushkas It's my first time growing and they are the ones treating me right!
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