Howdy - I'm New Around Here And This Is My First Grow

Hey Buddy

New Member
Hi Guys

Dunno if this is in the right place! Im new here!

Here are 2 pictures of 20 day old BlackJack Autos under 400W MH...they are my first grow. Used BioBizz All mix, Vermiculite and Bat Guano- They are starting to pre flower-

Should they be bigger? The lower leaves are drooping a bit so Im a bit concerned. Im tihnking of putting them in 16L pots as those are 11L & they look a bit cramped? Any thoughts suggestions welcomed!

Thanks Guys (Apologies if im in the wrong place!)

Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

I think it's big enough; isn't 11 liters 3-gallons? Thats what I grow in and it's big enough; 3 gallons holds a plant at least 3-4 feet without being rootbound. Your plants look healthy to me. If they're showing droopy bottom leaves I'd say the roots are growing and using the bottom leaves as food supply for em especially if they're pre-flowering. Rastafari.
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

I think it's big enough; isn't 11 liters 3-gallons? Thats what I grow in and it's big enough; 3 gallons holds a plant at least 3-4 feet without being rootbound. Your plants look healthy to me. If they're showing droopy bottom leaves I'd say the roots are growing and using the bottom leaves as food supply for em especially if they're pre-flowering. Rastafari.

Hey Vampire, thanks for the reply- Yeah sorry Im in Ireland and we use Litres so yeah 3 Gallons. Its probably typical behaviour to freak out over small things with the first grow. So they use the bottom leaves as food supply? Interesting. There is a 3 inch gap between the top of the soil and the pot rim so I was wondering if that was the reason for droopy leaves. Ok so happy to leave them be as don't want to go disturbing them for nothing! They've actually grown since I posted that. The other thing is Ive no thermometry device so Im guessing the temp. I ordered it from ebay 3 weeks ago-Still waiting! I'm keeping them on 24 hours of light per day for fear of the dark time being too cold.I have an electric heater but its too warm in there then- Never a dull moment with this hobby!
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

Buddy, Welcome to 420. Your babies look good to me. I will be keeping a close eye on your journal. Are you going to start a journal? I have a bj bean that I am going to sprout in the near future, not an auto but a fem. The first grow is always exciting and usually the most nerve racking but I am sure you will do just fine. Happy growing.
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

Buddy, Welcome to 420. Your babies look good to me. I will be keeping a close eye on your journal. Are you going to start a journal? I have a bj bean that I am going to sprout in the near future, not an auto but a fem. The first grow is always exciting and usually the most nerve racking but I am sure you will do just fine. Happy growing.

Hey there QueenTokelove.Thanks for the welcoming- I guess I should start a journal-I have taken a picture each day of the grow and I spend a lot of time researching etc so why not branch out so to speak :thumb:

Will keep you posted!
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

Tried 12 times to start a journal but keep getting the following error

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later...

So Im gonna leave it for another day
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

Hey there QueenTokelove.Thanks for the welcoming- I guess I should start a journal-I have taken a picture each day of the grow and I spend a lot of time researching etc so why not branch out so to speak :thumb:Will keep you posted!

Looking forward to it. And we love to see plenty of
Re: Howdy-Im new around here and this is my first grow

High Hey Buddy, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!
I think you’ll find this is the best mmj community out there... Dedicated to spreading awareness of the benefits of Cannabis. :thumb:

Our members are some of the most knowledgable and the most helpful anywhere!

I'll have to get over and check out you journal! :thumb: As for these pics, they look nice and healthy to me! :high-five:

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