How to water


Active Member
Hay everyone, so I am about to plant my first autoflower seed and the only information I havent found an answer for is watering schedule, i understand that every plant has different needs but what is the rule of thumb. Do I water the plant everyday and how much would you normally give it? Really scared of drowning the plant or under feeding it. Also how wet should I make the soil before planting the seed?
Hiya @Matto835 one of the most common problems around here is overwatering. Weed plants in soil need a good dry cycle. CHeck out the link "the proper way to water a potted plant" in my sig below. It's written by Emylia, my pot yoda. I don't do it exactly that way anymore because I've grown the preverbial "fat and lazy" but it and other great tutorials here saved this young padawan's first few batches of little sprouts! CHeers and good luck! :yahoo:
It really depends on if you are following good old fashioned gardening techniques of successively up-potting your plants in order to develop a solid root ball, or if you fell victim to the marketing hype surrounding Auto plants and started her in a large, final container. @Pbass pointed you to my primary treatise on watering, but I also would like to refer you to my latest study on watering, The Proper Way To Water A Seedling In A Large, Final, Container
@MickFoster asks a good question too... soil is treated much differently than coco or any other artificial medium.
Good luck!
It really depends on if you are following good old fashioned gardening techniques of successively up-potting your plants in order to develop a solid root ball, or if you fell victim to the marketing hype surrounding Auto plants and started her in a large, final container. @Pbass pointed you to my primary treatise on watering, but I also would like to refer you to my latest study on watering, The Proper Way To Water A Seedling In A Large, Final, Container
@MickFoster asks a good question too... soil is treated much differently than coco or any other artificial medium.
Good luck!

Hi Emilya, yes I am totally new to this and not to sure what I should be aiming for. So I planted the auto seed in a 5 gal pot as I heard these plants dont like being transplanted. I just wet the soil today and threw the germinated seed in, hope it comes to surface, this is my test run plant that I am growing on a sunny window ledge, waiting for my other seeds to arrive that I will be going in my grow tent. Look forward to reading your link! If you have any other advice I am all ears
Hiya @Matto835 one of the most common problems around here is overwatering. Weed plants in soil need a good dry cycle. CHeck out the link "the proper way to water a potted plant" in my sig below. It's written by Emylia, my pot yoda. I don't do it exactly that way anymore because I've grown the preverbial "fat and lazy" but it and other great tutorials here saved this young padawan's first few batches of little sprouts! CHeers and good luck! :yahoo:

Thanks pbass, you always give great advice. So its day two now and I the seed still hasn't surfaced, maybe I put the germinated seed in incorrectly, I poked a hole in the soil barely a 1/4 down and placed the tap root going down and then gently sprinkled soil over it, i do remember the tap root kind of being bent upwards, didnt want to damage it so I left it. The soil was moist and I did throw a little extra water in today not much though maybe 300ml
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