How to find good Molasses


New Member
I see many people asking "Where can I get un-sulfured Molasses?

I used to be in the homebrewing business. Any Stateside homebrew shop,B&M or online,will either stock un-sulfured molasses or can order it for you.

Farmers markets in sorghum and cane growing regions are another good source for raw molasses. Many of them are state or county sponsored and have websites,which makes for easy ordering.

I hope this is of some help to the folks here.
Grandma's is,but it has a limited distribution area.

Homebrewer's used to drive me nuts looking for molasses for brewing authentic,true to style,old fashioned porters and stouts. Serious homebrewer's and hydro weed growers have a lot in common,they're a picky bunch. Same obsessions with pH,too.

I finally started picking up boxes of quarts of farm produced sorghum molasses on my monthly trips back where I grew up. It seemed to make 'em happy and it was enough to last them all winter.
Feedstores are good also. In my area, a 5 gallon pail is ~$30.

Also in my area, feed grade is what's used for 'agricultural purposes'.

Feedstores are wonderful places. Plus,they smell good.

I remember being a kid and buying sunflower seeds at the local feedstore,about a mile a away. You got a pound of 'em for about a quarter. Enough for days of chewing and sharing with your buddies.

When I was 12 they bussed me off to town for junior high. The first day at morning break I head to the the vending machines for a Coke and something to munch on. In the machine is a little bitty pack of sunflower seeds for a quarter. I about dropped a load.

I never trusted the school system after that day.
yup...just pissed myself:slide:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: " pancakes " :high-five:

Lowes sells gallon jugs of horticulture molasses for about $10....
Check their organic rack next to the garden center...all sorts of low price goodies there

+ rep for you!!!!

Never even thought of looking there, even though Lowes is where I buy my lime.


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