How to delete pics


New Member
I have a few duplicate pics and want to delete the extras. The photo options button doesn't have a delete choice. How do I do this?
yeah its weird we cant delete our own photos... just report the photo to mods for deletion like you would a spam post.
Only moderators can delete photos for a few reasons. This way we can always guarantee the fluidity of journals and throughout the website. This also avoids any photos being inadvertantly deleted.

If you want a photo deleted, you can use the Report Photo option in your photo gallery. To do this, first click on the photo you want deleted. Then click on the box that says Photo Options, that's located on the upper right side of your page just above the thumbnail sized photos. A list should drop down and on it you'll see an icon that looks like this:
That's the report photo button. Click on that and an administrator will receive the report and handle it from there. Be sure to include the reason you want the photo deleted in the box that says More Information.
Thanks... I can see the point of not being able to delte my own pics, especially ones used in a thread. Surely all this thousands of these photos are clogging up the server wherever these pics are stored?!

I do have a suggestion for whomever's in charge of this website. If you could make it so that people could only delete their photos not being used in a forum or link? It make take some work to set this up, but in the long run, it would save work. If CA passes this MJ for everyone law, I think your website will be swamped with thousands of people!

To make it even easier, you could have two automatic folders set up in each person's gallery; One for photos being used in threads and the other photos not being used. This folder could be deleted as a whole folder or individual pics could be deleted in this folder. All pics, used or not, could still have the options to use in any posts.

If that's too difficult, you could have make it so that each photo is marked wether it's being used or not. The ones not in use could have a little trash can icon to click on and the ones that are being used would have the trash can icon grayed out.

Just my 2 cents worth. :)
Thank you for your feedback and suggestions, however this is a programming nightmare and close to impossible, would probably cost thousands of dollars and in the end, the members would still post things in the wrong folders anyway, I just don't see it working. Plus the fact that people get upset all of the time and delete things, then come back the next day cooled off and wish they never did. Doing it this way has served us best in all situations over the last 17 years we have been trying to perfect the system.
Hi, thanks for letting me know. I can't even imagine how a website like this is run, or where in the world so much info could be stored... let alone 17 years worth of info! I was actually thinking of automatic transfer to a sepatate folder when a photo was linked to a post. You're right, people would certianly scew up the folder's themselve. LOL :p Few will bother to clean up and delete their own picson theirown computers, let alone in forums like this one. We just keep buying more memory. :-D

Thanks for creating and running this website. It's funny, I never knew forums like this existed until I tried medical marijuana. I sure hope there's some folks who can advise on my dead leaf tips and lights. My MJ book is too much info and overwhelming. LOL! Two days and not a peep.

I wonder if the MJ and MJ supplies prices will drop or raise if the MJ law in CA passes. Your website is always near the top when I search for MJ info. Good luck with the future mob of new people, I don't envy you there! :)
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