How to change mesh pot size


New Member
As a newbie I have my first grow in hydro 3" mesh pots and I'd like to change them to the larger permanant mesh pots.
I am concerned about damaging the long roots that have formed and how to place the roots in the new pot. Do Ii just place the seedlings into the new pot with roots coiled or do I weave them through the new pots openings? I've yet to see a grow that explains this process. If one has allowed their seedlings to stay too long in the smaller pots then potential damage to decent root system is a real concern. Thanks to the more seasoned for sharing. :thanks:
I start my clones in a 2"netpot and then when I have long roots(about 6") I will move them, still in the 2" into 6" 5gal bucket net pots by pulling an inch or two through the bottom then coiling if I need to before pouring in the hydroton in and then pouring some of the water from the bucket over her.

For two days afterward I would pour water over it twice a day.( if you pulled some root through this is just more of a safeguard)

There is no need to remove it from on net pot to put in another.

If you think that the holes are to small in the first. You could cut the first net pot in a couple of places before putting it into the next one.

I have not had any issue with doing it that way and growing plants about 4' tall.

You could also grow a monster plant in a 3" netpot. So make sure there is a need to move it. It is not like growing in dirt with pot size. The roots are in the bucket and not the netpot. It is more about trunk size with the netpot.
Yea thats's what I wound up doing. Funny how no one covers that in their's always the 4-6 pots seedlings to the gargantuan plants. Next time I'll have to keep a closer eye on those roots..they grew in quick! I hope it's a good sign of things to come. Thanks for your reply..... :thumb:

I start my clones in a 2"netpot and then when I have long roots(about 6") I will move them, still in the 2" into 6" 5gal bucket net pots by pulling an inch or two through the bottom then coiling if I need to before pouring in the hydroton in and then pouring some of the water from the bucket over her. <snip>
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