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When people say aim for 1g or 0.5g per watt are they talking per plant or altogether? i was lookin at hydroponic tent grow kits (3x3x6 Grow Tent)(9 hydroponic plant tub is 35"x25" x9") that come with 400w HID and they say you can grow 9-18 ounces per crop... does that sound right? Im new to growin and i always read 1g per watt to be if i had 400 watts i could only grow around 400g max no matter how many plants i had -.- im thinking i didnt understand it correctly
Cherma said:Best advice for all new growers K.I.S.S.
SmokeyMacPot summed it up above nicely. Thanks man.
woods brother said:Update! Pulled the center plant out and replaced it with bucket o yeast and corn sugar. Set fan on a on off every 15 minutes and got an amazing harvest! After a week and a half of hanging and trim work I got 3.72 lbs!!! Holy Sh+t I won't be needing to do that again for a while.
When it comes to cannabis, the more light = the better. A general guideline is 10,000 lumens for the first plant, and an additional 5,000 for other plants. This IS pretty much the MINIMUM however, I would go for as much light as your wallet can handle. If you get a 250w HID or larger I would air cool it, this will allow you to put the light much closer to the canopy without any heat issues.