How much weight is gained during the ripening phase?


Active Member
I have been reading that the last 2 weeks of flower is known as the ripening phase where buds are no longer growing they just get harder and ripen.

If they are getting harder you would assume they are gaining weight.

How much weight are buds likely to add during this last 2 weeks?
What you read was not entirely correct. The buds are definitely growing in this last 2 weeks, a period that I call the final bud swell. The buds can double in girth and probably triple in weight just during that last 2 weeks. This is when the buds pile on the trichomes, resins and terpenes, and the change in the buds is both dramatic and beautiful. Keep watering and feeding right up to the end to further enhance this end of the season growth because the buds need those nutes more than ever during this phase. This is when many growers use "finishing" nutes, high in P and K, so that the plants have everything they need at the end.
If salt based nutes have been used in the grow, right at the start of this last 2 weeks is the perfect time to flush the soil of all leftover nutes and salts with a one time 3x the container volume of fresh water, so that all the built up salt is washed away and the pipes are clean and clear, allowing the plant maximum uptake of water and nutes for a spectacular finish.
Or, you can starve your plants for the last two weeks as some do or even not give them water. According to some, this results in stronger pot, but not as much of it, because you don't get this final bud swell.
You are in control. Choose wisely. :peace: :love:
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