How much needed for party (Brownies)


New Member
Hey guys,

My roommates and a bunch of our mutual friends have never smoked pot before and I finally got a bunch of them to agree to experiment a little bit. I am going to throw a party and want to bake brownies for everyone (7-8 people), but I can't figure out how much greenie I'm gonna need to make these goodies, I've never baked anything in my life before.

Any advise?
There are several cannabis recipes online that advise to this>
Caution: if your friends have never smoked cannabis before, cannabis brownies may have an overwhelming effect on them> They do even on any long term Cannabis user>
Yea, but is there a general amount I should consider buying?

And I know its got a good kick to it, but they want to try but won't smoke it.
Well the first thing your gunna have to do is make budder. There are many recipes on the site to make it, heres one: Cannabudder After you make the bud butter you can use as much or as little as youd like for your recipe. I would suggest making them on the light side for your newby friends. You dont wanna turn them off to Cannabis unless they dont like it already...
Personal and easy recipe over 20 years now for Brownies.
1 oz buds dried finely ground up in my coffee / bud grinder.
Brownie mix 1 box. Mix Brownie mix as directed. stir in 1 oz dry buds. I do not saute buds or cannabutter the herb. places in a 9 x 9 pan loaded ( wiped) with butter. Bake as directed on the brownie mix box. Let them cool off for an hour or so. Cut into 2" squares.
There are several ways using a cannabutter, but I choose not to use that method any longer. I use cannbutter for other aspects of culinary delights.
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