How much Epsom salt is too much


Well-Known Member
Hi All so I have a question regarding how often to water with Epsom salt on my 2 outdoor ladies? I have been growing outdoors for years, But this is the first year using Epsom salt in my grow. Don't ask me why I haven't before, But I feel like I cut my self short never using it before this year! I don't want to feed my cal/mag source to often or too little. I'll give a quick rundown on these 2 outdoor plants.

I transplanted these into 7 gallon organic coco/peat mix generously pre amended on July 1st. I'll list every feeding real quick.

July 14: Top dressed Gaia Green 4-4-4 at 4 Tbls each, watered with molasses at 1 Tbls per gallon

July 25: Top dressed 1/4 DE & 1/2 cup worm castings, watered in with 1 Tbls of Epsom salt per gallon water , 1 cup of milk per gallon of water (yes I said MILK)

July 31: Top dressed 6 Tbls of Gaia Green 4-4-4, watered in with molasses 1 Tbls per gallon

Aug 11: top dressed a layer of DE & 1/2 cup of worm castings. watered in with 1 Tbls Epsom and 1 cup of milk per gallon of water.

Aug 16: top dressed 3 Tbls of GG 4-4-4 and 3tbls of GG 2-8-4

Now this is all that I have fed them in the last almost 2 months. I also have done Neem Oil spray every 7-10 days as a preventive measure. SO Folks my main question is have I been giving Epsom and milk watering Too Often?? Heres a couple picks of DAY 1 and Today.

July 1st

Today Aug 27th


Hi Mate - your plants are good, so no worries :cool:
Ca/Mg/K are symbiotic but excess Mg can interfere with P, as can N
This is why reduced N/Ca/Mg is recommended in flower [I think... :ganjamon:]
Hi Mate - your plants are good, so no worries :cool:
Ca/Mg/K are symbiotic but excess Mg can interfere with P, as can N
This is why reduced N/Ca/Mg is recommended in flower [I think... :ganjamon:]
Hay there Roy, thanks for the reply. Thats kinda what I was aiming at asking. Now since these 2 ladies took there sweet time during the pre flower stretch. Which seemed to take longer than the per usual 3 weeks. They have now only started turning into full flower in the last couple days. I just don't want to accidentally OD them with the Mag. in the Epsom salt and have some kinda lock out issue because of it. My next feed will be in a few days with Much less 4-4-4 and more 2-8-4 since there finally hitting flowering.
Hi Mate - your plants are good, so no worries :cool:
Ca/Mg/K are symbiotic but excess Mg can interfere with P, as can N
This is why reduced N/Ca/Mg is recommended in flower [I think... :ganjamon:]
Just a random thought, but isn't Ca/MG also required for flowering? It's also the sulfur in the magnesium that's needed as well?? I dunno, 10 solid years growing outside. And I still don't got it all figured out :hmmmm: LOL! To be on the safe side I'll just throw a teaspoon of epsom n half cup of milk per gallon of water on the next feeding in a few days.
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