How much bud off a clone that has vegged for 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
I'll be growing outdoors. The strain is heavily indica dominate. It's a decent yielding strain.

According to what I've read it's better to wait at least 2 months before taking cuttings, and the clones are ready to go out after about 3 weeks, that will give me a 4 week window for vegging before flowering is triggered.

Now my question is how much bud would I get from a clone that has vegged for 4 weeks....any guesses?
According to what I've read it's better to wait at least 2 months before taking cuttings,
I don't know about that part. I've taken the first cutting by topping the first plant as soon as possible, sometimes as young as 3-4 weeks.

I have the feeling that you are not set up for this but another option is to grow a donating mother and continuing to take as many cuttings as possible and as soon as possible. Then place the cuttings directly into the ground since you are planning an outdoor grow. If the weather is wrong then it could be a complete failure but if things go right you could end up with more plants than you can take care of.

Now my question is how much bud would I get from a clone that has vegged for 4 weeks....any guesses?
So many variables starting with whether the clones are vegetating outside or inside under lights. Then the weather and rain amounts. And temperatures and whether there it is a heavy cloud cover most of the time limiting the quality sunshine.
I don't know about that part. I've taken the first cutting by topping the first plant as soon as possible, sometimes as young as 3-4 weeks.

Would you say there is any difference in terms of the quality of the buds using cuttings taken from younger plants verses cuttings taken from older plants (2-3 months old)?
I have the feeling that you are not set up for this but another option is to grow a donating mother and continuing to take as many cuttings as possible and as soon as possible.
Yeah I'm not really setup for that, my grow area for the clones is a 3 hour drive away so I want to take the cuttings all at once and put em out all at once.

Then place the cuttings directly into the ground since you are planning an outdoor grow. If the weather is wrong then it could be a complete failure but if things go right you could end up with more plants than you can take care of.

It's a rather harsh environment weather/temp wise in the early season, losses would most likely be quite high if I did plant cuttings direct in the ground.

So many variables starting with whether the clones are vegetating outside or inside under lights. Then the weather and rain amounts. And temperatures and whether there it is a heavy cloud cover most of the time limiting the quality sunshine.

Yeah there are some variabilities, the clones will be vegging outdoors, the temperature during vegging will be averaging 19°C during the day, and 17°C - 18°C during flowering. The average amount of sunshine without cloud cover will be 6 hours per day.
Would you say there is any difference in terms of the quality of the buds using cuttings taken from younger plants verses cuttings taken from older plants (2-3 months old)?
Can't say but I doubt that there would be any noticeable difference.
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