How many do you put in a 5x8?


Well-Known Member
So I have upgraded my grow room. I basically used a closet, extended it and turned it into a 5x8 grow room. It's a little bigger but by the time I get the lights and accessories in my actual grow space will be 5ft x 8ft with around 6.5ft vertical space. My initial plan is to have that room be a flower room only. I have a 2x4 tent and a 3x3 tent I can use for veg and a smaller 2.5x2.5ft built box I used for seedlings and rooting clones. I grow perpetually now and I want to keep that rotation of plants going. My main grow will be 4 DWC buckets with their own res. Doing this because I run multi strain and don't want nutrients to become a problem. With my current spaces, using a 6 week veg time average before flipping, how many plants would be ideal to flower out in the 5x8? Am I better off just keeping a 4 plant rotation or would I be fine bumping that number to around 6-8 with proper training? Thoughts? If I did add extra plants....they would not be done in DWC. They would be in soil.
I think you’d be good to go for 5-6 plants, I recommend doing some training on them in case space gets tight.
I was thinking the same thing. I want to have room for them but with basic math each plant gets at least almost 7 sq ft each with 6. Just was curious to see what others have with a similar grow space.
I was thinking the same thing. I want to have room for them but with basic math each plant gets at least almost 7 sq ft each with 6. Just was curious to see what others have with a similar grow space.
Right on, I’ve never had a 5x8 Space, but I did grow in a 5x5 tent for a little bit and I could Grow 4 decent sized plants or 3 monsters but space was always tight... I was just giving you an educated guess based off my 5x5 experience that if I had 3 more feet to that tent I could have fit 1 or 2 more plants. But that’s also with 5 gal DWC buckets so keep that in mind
Right on, I’ve never had a 5x8 Space, but I did grow in a 5x5 tent for a little bit and I could Grow 4 decent sized plants or 3 monsters but space was always tight... I was just giving you an educated guess based off my 5x5 experience that if I had 3 more feet to that tent I could have fit 1 or 2 more plants. But that’s also with 5 gal DWC buckets so keep that in mind
Yea I just started my first DWC plant a few months back. Loving it that I want to grow mainly that way from now on. I have one now taking a 3x3 tent up by herself but I let her go wild without restricting her really. I know we always want that 1 extra plant going too lol but I dont want it to really kill the space though either.
I don’t grow perpetual. Although I am starting to lean in that direction, it will have to wait until I finish the rest of the house before I rework the basement lol

Currently I am growing 18 plants, in 12gal fabric pots, in my 4x8 tent with a 12 to 14 week turn over.

As for the number of plants in your space, going perpetual, decide on how often you want to harvest and work from there.

So of you want to harvest a plant a week, and you are running strains that take 9-10 weeks in flower, grow 9 or 10 plants. You have lots of space to do that depending on how big they get vegging and how you train them.
Yea I just started my first DWC plant a few months back. Loving it that I want to grow mainly that way from now on. I have one now taking a 3x3 tent up by herself but I let her go wild without restricting her really. I know we always want that 1 extra plant going too lol but I dont want it to really kill the space though either.
Ya I hear you, that’s another thing to keep in mind because plants get huge in dwc. You might be better off running fewer plants and growing them larger rather then trying to stuff the room full.. You’ll be good either way, it’s just a personal preference. I like to leave my ladies plenty of space to stretch their arms out and let them do their thing.
Ya I hear you, that’s another thing to keep in mind because plants get huge in dwc. You might be better off running fewer plants and growing them larger rather then trying to stuff the room full.. You’ll be good either way, it’s just a personal preference. I like to leave my ladies plenty of space to stretch their arms out and let them do their thing.
That was my original plan. 4 dwc plants in 5 gallons and just let them do their thing. Thanks! I appreciate it.
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