How Long?


New Member
Me and my mate still laugh to this day as when i say to him i am just going for a spliff ..... Be back in '7' mins

he laughs because i always say ill be back in '7' mins =s

how long does it take you to blaze a spliff?

Would be intresting to find out =)
Well redeyes......I load myself a fat bowl and head to my outdoor patio.....I suppose if I'm smoking's maybe like...yah 11 mins.....if I'm smoking alone and using my iPhone?.....I'd say 35 mins.....and if I'm outside chillin with my lady and smoking's like 45mins....thats my routine anyways.....WORD....:hippy:
*LOL* Great subject of inquiry, Redeyed Rasta. Must have just returned from that 7 minute wake n'bake, eh? :bravo:

For me, it entirely depends on what I've rolled. If it's a mediocre THC content herb (under 10%), about 5 minutes. And I won't be satisfied after that 5 minutes has transpired. If it's a tasty blunt of 20% or better THC medicinal, I'll savor it for a good 15 minutes and be absolutely satisfied with my level of highness. I may not even finish the spliff entirely. I have an entire basket of roaches that would be considered first lit joints that I somehow forgot to get back to. *LOL*
Yeah...they were that good....:tokin:
Last time I rolled a joint with a RAW paper - and I tore about ½" off the end because I didn't have much cannabis (wasn't a pinner, but...) - I think it burned for 14 minutes. Just me smoking it so while I was holding hits, it was just burning (very slowly = RAW).
*LOL* Great subject of inquiry, Redeyed Rasta. Must have just returned from that 7 minute wake n'bake, eh? :bravo:

lol nah i had always thought about it but not really remembered to ask anyone how long it takes them to smoke a spliff lol

it only takes me '7' mins when i am outside as my mother wont let me smoke indoors haha but if i am around a friends house or in my car i tend to take longer ...... maybe because its warmer i guess lol

nice to see fellow smokers routines tho =)

KEEP HIGH GUYS!!!:Namaste:
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