how long to veg?

General rule is to wait until it's about 1-1 1/2 ft tall. This is assuming you are doing an indoor grow. From seedling that could take up to 2 months. Hope this helps. More info on you grow method....soil, hydro, type of setup, and size of area to grow in will also affect the time you want you plant to veg for.:peace:
While I agree with rangerdanger that it's best to wait for the plant to naturally show that it's mature enough to flower (alternating internodes) one should know that the once you put a plant under a flowering regime it will start to alternate internodes automatically. This basically means that you can force flower which forces maturity at any size. But....small plants results in small yields. The bigger the plant the bigger the harvest. That means that the longer you veg the better but allow enough head room for the plant to triple in height. Head room is the area between the top of the medium to the bottom of the light at it's highest setting. If you have 6 feet then start flower at 2 feet. Rule of thumbs are different for other alternate forms of growing like scrog or LST.
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