How long Help me


New Member
i need to smoke but im on probaiton and get tested mon wensday and friday im clean now but ive been reading that the thc can leave ur body in a couple of days so i want to smoke take just one hit on friday n get baked then enjoy for a couple hours then drink hella water take a hott ass shower and work out and do the same on saturday all while taking b vitiamins do u think that i would pass on monday at 600 pm
We have a friend that takes two hits on friday and is clean on monday. But everyone is different. I love cannabis too, but if I was on probation I wouldn't want to take the chance. Seems like a lot of work and worry for a couple hits.

Peace :hippy:

That's how Kitty's stay Happy. The don't take chances that cause their 9 lives to be used up prematurely

Personally, I wouldn't take the risk; the penalty is too great compared to the few hours benefit

Good luck man
Been there done that. wait, no been there didn't do that. Did not want the BS after 18 months in, 3 years testing afterwards. Nope. I got spanked once, and that was enough till I completed my terms. Choices we make in that space can be detrimental if the consequences are met.
man, weed aint that important. lol...if ur on probation and don't want to go back, just stop until you get off. Its too testy to try and figure out the levels an tolerance. Some marijuana kinds have different levels of THC so figuring out what the best method of smoking and not being detected can be tough.
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