How Long for Roots to Show?


Well-Known Member
How long should it take after dipping a cutting in Dip 'n Grow and putting it in water before any roots should show? Or am I doing it wrong as usual, and it takes more than that to get the stuff to work? Never had any success with Dip 'n Grow, so may give up on it and try some other rooting hormone, like this stuff...

Anyone have experience with this stuff? Will it actually work?
Anyone have experience with this stuff? Will it actually work?
It is for plants that already have a root mass and are going to be transplanted. It is not intended to help the cuttings start to grow new roots.

I have not used that particular product but I have done a few casual experiments with adding some "Vitamin B-1" when trying to root cuttings in water instead of soil. Did not notice any of the cuttings starting to grow roots faster or have larger root mass when, or if, they started growing roots.

How long should it take after dipping a cutting in Dip 'n Grow and putting it in water before any roots should show?
Anywhere from 10 to 45 days but the sooner the better. Longer it takes the weaker the top part of the plant gets. Probably best to shoot for 10 to 20 days.

A common ingredient in rooting hormones sold in garden stores is Indole-3-Butyric Acid which is a man-made chemical that mimics the auxin that plants normally produce. Most of the dry, wet or gel products sold will contain the Indole-3-Butyric Acid with slight differences in percentages.

Try a google search using the phrase:
what is rooting hormone
and see if any of the info might help you out. You should find info on natural rooting compounds. Some growers here on this message board have mentioned using natural sources of auxins and getting better and faster results than with the Butyric Acid products.
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