How does the trichome production look on this plant?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how my plants looks as far as trachoma production at this stage of flower. Is there any ways to make it increase in production. Growing outdoor auto organically but I’ll put some juice in it if need be. Looks about like the last auto as far as lineage goes I see quite a few similarities between them.


yes what Phytoplankton said ^

simply put strain variation

1) some strains have glitter on petioles
2) some strains have crystal rails on fans
3) some strain have tiny budlets on the fan leaves
4) some strains have fully coated sugar leaves
5) some have massive calyes
6) some have dripping calyxes
7) some have elongated caterpillar calyxes cuz 5, 6 and 7 are not same thing
8) some have longest pistols
9) some might have all the above

there are in excess of 25,000 known strain crosses of cannabis

No worries Tableleg, It’s a genetic crap shoot, but yep early days think she will mature out just fine regardless of precise combo of the above traits she is endowed with

Pic of mutant from Gee64’s garden Capt Obvious here but that's the caterpillar thang

yes what Phytoplankton said ^

simply put strain variation

1) some strains have glitter on petioles
2) some strains have crystal rails on fans
3) some strain have tiny budlets on the fan leaves
4) some strains have fully coated sugar leaves
5) some have massive calyes
6) some have dripping calyxes
7) some have elongated caterpillar calyxes cuz 5, 6 and 7 are not same thing
8) some have longest pistols
9) some might have all the above

there are in excess of 25,000 known strain crosses of cannabis

No worries Tableleg, It’s a genetic crap shoot, but yep early days think she will mature out just fine regardless of precise combo of the above traits she is endowed with

Pic of mutant from Gee64’s garden Capt Obvious here but that's the caterpillar thang

🧐🤤 never seen such a beauty. I’ve seen tens of thousands of plant pictures but never one like that. Yea I wish I knew the genetics of the plant I have flowering now. the seeds I had this year were the ones you occasionally find in bud from the green man. I only keep viable healthy looking seeds which is pretty hard to find. No one has just regular old swag weed anymore. I remember you would have to break your weed up on a plate and tilt it on an angle to get all the seeds to roll out the J. Sometimes it would be just a few and others it would be mostly seeds and very little weed left. 😂
Yeah that fuzzy mess is quite the mutant and had never seen that morphology either. It’s kewl stuff!!

I’m old school too we did album covers to sift on and remember all too well shirts with vent holes from seeds that combusted. It was unspoken advertisement yup dude I’m cool…. it’s how you figured out who’s who.
Well, at a quick guess, I'd say it is damage caused by that caterpillar/worm that is in the first pic. Guessing it will get worse the bigger he gets (and he is almost certainly not the only one around).

If it isn't from him, offhand it also looks a lot like thrip damage, they're much smaller and harder to spot - but they ARE visible.
I have used copper fungicide some weeks earlier , but just starting to notice some sheen of some sort.
Photos are a tad bit out of focus which makes it look like a bit of powdery mildew and sometimes like a sort of insect damage. It could be a bit of both if it is an outdoor plant.

What had you noticed earlier than made you use the copper?
I had a bit of powdery mildew which I think is taken care of because I no longer see it. I also pulled all the infected leaves from the plant. I’ll put another better photo below thanks in advance slim

Seems like every little creepy crawler outside has a thing for cannabis. They have 2 small spiders camped out in what seem to be strategic locations. I left them alone maybe they can help rid some of the intruding pests
Need some insight from you guys. what’s this silvery sh*t on some of leaves. I have used copper fungicide some weeks earlier , but just starting to notice some sheen of some sort.




You've got THRIPS! That silvery look is a key indicatior, look underneath the leaves, you probably don't even need a loop.
I’ll put another better photo below thanks in advance slim
Much sharper and in focus. Looks more like when insects scrape the very thin surface layer of the leaf.

Do a search using the "Search" feature at the top of this page and type in:
and do the check mark or whatever to find that word in thread titles.

Some of the time I have found it easier to go to google and do the search using the keyword phrase:
thrips 420 magazine
which will usually give links from this msg board first and then other sites.
Cleaned some of the old vegetation and small buds that were just wasting nutrients. I’m wondering if the yellowing wasn’t from all the rain flushing the nutes from the soil? It’s now fine I gave it a healthy top dressing.




I see thrip damage for sure….and it just so happens I’m battling the little fuckers right now myself.
The adult can fly and is darker in color….just a hair bigger than a fungus knat. But it’s the larvae that is the real problem. They are born pregnant…..go figure. If u don’t have a jeweler’s loupe or something similar, you’ll never see them. The larvae is a tiny cream colored worm-like thing that crawls on the bottom side of the leaves. They have little “feelers” on their front end.
I discovered mine around week 3 of flower.
So far, I’ve treated 3x with Dr Zymes Eliminator, which is all organic and is safe to use in flower. I’ve used it several times before and it works well. Thrips will require several applications.
Get yourself a jewelers loupe and snip a couple of the damaged leaves……more than likely you’ll find one hanging out and munching your plant.
Good luck.
I’ve found more than just thrips. They have these tiny baby caterpillars that are savages. They will damage a leaf within a matter of hours real bastards let me tell you. Seems like I’m under attack over here lol. I’ve trimmed almost all the fan leaves from the plant. Reminds me of Charlie browns Christmas tree poor girl.

Thrips are impossible to completely mitigate growing outdoors. They are not the end of the world and something you have to work with outdoors.

Soap sprays will keep them at bay. Add in Citric acid and/or canola oil to that mix for a stronger effect. I often use canola oil and dish soap mix outdoors, it's a little bit to sticky to use indoors.

Time to button down the hatch and move her to shelter. Hurricane coming right up the asshole. Hopefully this giant oak tree doesn’t decide to drop a limb. It would be catastrophic to say the least.

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