How do I use leaf trim and side branches?


New Member
I have tried and tried to make canna butter but it tastes so foul when I get it strong enough to be effective. I have a large, large amount of side branches but not sure how to use them? I prefer medibles but can't take the taste. Somewhere on here, someone was talking about getting the chlorophyll taste out of the trim, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. Anyone have any suggestions? I have a HUGE 14 gal tote crammed full of dried leaves and bags and bags of side shoot branches.......HELP! :circle-of-love:
Have you thought about could making hash oil then add the oil to the butter ? just a thought cause if you made isowash hash oil you'll loose the chlorophyll.
You might try making a tincture Marijuana Tincture and then making something like lollipops ... ?
Have you thought about could making hash oil then add the oil to the butter ? just a thought cause if you made isowash hash oil you'll loose the chlorophyll.

I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't know how to make it! If I can get rid of that chlorophyll it would be awesome! It makes me gag! Sorry....I am so new at all of this. Do you have a procedure that you use and have been successful with or possibly a link or something? I would so appreciate it! I have so much trim and here I sit......duh! Thanks oldhippie64! Any help is awesome!:thanks:
You might try making a tincture Marijuana Tincture and then making something like lollipops ... ?

Well, that was nice! Had a little link there! Thank you! I am trying to make a tincture now. I have ground the leaves and they are steeping in Everclear 151. It looks neon green! Freaky! Do you get that? I tried straining the alcohol off and adding new trim to it to increase the potency but the taste is God awful! I am thinking about trying keif rather than trim, I am so resistant to things right now. Over medicated with RX for thyroid.....side effect? Insomnia. I need to be knocked over the head with some heavy indica! At least until I get off this med! My doc is cutting back the dosage but I cannot just stop. How do you make your tincture? Thank you so much for your help! I look forward to getting better with all this, but I cannot do it without your help, along with others here in the community! Thanks to all who are helping me! It ain't easy growing older! lol:high-five:
Are you drying it first?? YOu should be. If it's green .... that makes it taste really awful. You should dry it thuroughly first.
Are you drying it first?? YOu should be. If it's green .... that makes it taste really awful. You should dry it thuroughly first.
Oh, trust me Mutt! It's dry! It's on a large screen in the basement....we heat with a pellet stove so it's dry! It's been there for several weeks so I know its dry! I am just lost here! Not feeling very intelligent either! lol I tried making tincture with the trim but it is absolutely horrible! I am as lost as a goose in the fog. I'm trying to use every single part of the plant that I have. But I don't know what the heck I am doing and there is very little help other than here! Sorry for my ignorance....just want to get 'there'. Any other suggestions? Thanks for your help, as always, Mutt!
There are some really good sites out there that talk about cooking with cannabis. I think the key is to use very flavorful items when cooking with really harsh cannabutter. You'd also probably be a little better off taste wise by using oil instead of butter. I haven't tried oil yet.

You can always make BHO from your trim and leaves.
u could also use the hash to make strong edibles but that would seem a waste to me, but u get 2 or 3 grades of hash from bubble bags. so maybe keep the premium to smoke then the other grades for edibles. Make sure the trim is dry and freeze it before u do it, this will help massively. If u got lots of trim just get bigger bags. I have kilos and kilos of trim and this is all i do with it. and then it finally ends up in compost heap.
it helps to freeze your weed and alcohol, it's also better to use a higher proof as 151 is75%alcohol 25% water. chlorophyll is water soluble it doesn't dissolve in alcohol, the purer the alcohol the less chlorophyll it can dissolve, this is why freezing helps too, you can strain out ice.
If you use bubble bags to remove the trichomes ..... and then cook with them, you won't get all the vegetable matter and chlorophil taste. It wouldn't have much of a taste at all.
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