How do I tell if I have spider Mites?


New Member
I have noticed that I have been getting webs on the tops of my colas... I have been using soil from my compost pile(which is outside in my back yard). Could I have brought in mits??? or could it be just some harmless spiders... Help me... Is the a way to tell the difference???? Thx ev1

Stoney :wood:
Re: How do I tell if I have spider Mits????

Ugh, spider mites. Look under the leaves with a magnifier. The most common is the two-spot, has two redish spots on it. The eggs are laid on the underside of leaves, tiny and white. The babies are pure white when they hatch. The tops of the leaves will show tiny white dots, these are the feeding site of the mites underneath.
When using compost from outside, sift it over a screen, then cook it in a microwave til it steams, or in the oven.
If you're frequently in and out of the house, be sure there's no cyclamen near your entrances. They are tremendous mite hosts, and as much as I love all living things, cycLamen remain on my "hit list". They aren't allowed to live on my farm.
You will know if you have spider mites because they spread very fast and you will see tiny spots on your leaves. You might not notice them at first if you've never had a mite infestation. It really sucks, let me tell you. I had a mite infestation during week 4 of flower around November when the outside temps started dropping. They did some major damage to my crop and prefer the choicest leaves and strains of course!
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