How do I get started?


New Member
This is my first time growing, and i wanted to know if i should build a hydroponic system or if it is necessary to spend money on a nice one. If i should make one then what materials and products should i purchase to get started? Also what is the most effective way to germinate seeds I saw a post saying not to use the paper towel method because you have to handle the seeds. I bought thc bomb, white widow big bud, cotton candy and hawaiin skunk seeds are these good quality strains?
Hi and welcome. That is a lot of questions!

First time growers should probably stick to soil for simplicity. I currently use Fox Farms Ocean Forest, which doesn't even need any nutes for the first month. A search on the forum will net some quality brands of nutes. I currently am using Fox Farm nutes but having a difficult time with them so I will not recommend them.

I have success most of the time with the paper towel method. Certainly wash your hands well before handling but no need to obsess. I put a folded wet paper towel or two in a container with a lid (e.g. cleaned food container/tupperware). Use either a dark container or one you will place in a dark place. Put paper towel square in the container. Put enough tap water to soak the towel but drain off any excess. There should not be a pool of water. Place seed under the top fold of the paper towel. Put on the lid and put in a dark place that is reasonably warm (I put mine in a cabinet in my office where the computers keep it a little warmer than the rest of the house).

Check in 2-3 days. When you see a little tail coming out, perhaps wait until is 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, then plant in a starter container with your soil. You are on your way.
Hi and welcome. That is a lot of questions!

First time growers should probably stick to soil for simplicity. I currently use Fox Farms Ocean Forest, which doesn't even need any nutes for the first month. A search on the forum will net some quality brands of nutes. I currently am using Fox Farm nutes but having a difficult time with them so I will not recommend them.

I have success most of the time with the paper towel method. Certainly wash your hands well before handling but no need to obsess. I put a folded wet paper towel or two in a container with a lid (e.g. cleaned food container/tupperware). Use either a dark container or one you will place in a dark place. Put paper towel square in the container. Put enough tap water to soak the towel but drain off any excess. There should not be a pool of water. Place seed under the top fold of the paper towel. Put on the lid and put in a dark place that is reasonably warm (I put mine in a cabinet in my office where the computers keep it a little warmer than the rest of the house).

Check in 2-3 days. When you see a little tail coming out, perhaps wait until is 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, then plant in a starter container with your soil. You are on your way.
Awsome thanks for your help
Hi 420cloud9.

Wanted to offer a welcome to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here.

I'd also like to echo what others responding have indicated which is that starting in the most basic/simple manner is tremendously beneficial. I'd also like to add that I personally found reading as much as I could prior to initiating my first grow, provided me with a pretty thorough basic understanding and instilled me with a confidence that I was avoiding most of the basic errors and could recover from most issues I was likely to face.

Even with a pretty long history of successfully growing other type plants in gardens and flower beds, and recognition that we are after all only trying to grow a weed here, I found there to be enough unique about Cannabis that the time spent reading in advance paid dividends in the end.
Reading & research helps a lot, its about making up your own mind what is best than be spoon feed a load of bull...

In you research you may come across some conflicting information & if you do its best to revise your research methods or key words to search for better info & its out their if you look hard enough or ask the right people in the forums which you may come across some different schools of thought on the matter at hand !

If ya ever not sure about an answer to a question research it further in till you do then research it another 3 months later & 6 months to see what different info you come up with, it will change a little as your knowledge progress's :thumb:
Some recommendations on things to figure out:

Medium (soil or hydro, most people recommend soil to start with, but it is not required to start here)
If you do feel set on hydro you will need more initial investment typically, and you will need to read about the types of systems and which will run best in your place.

Nutrients (organic, synthetic, brand, all sorts of things to consider here)

Lighting (how much space do you have, $$ to invest, ambient temps and ventilation)

Atmosphere (overall ventilation, humidity, and smell control if necessary)

And additional equipment you might want to research (ph/ec tools, grow tents, cleaning tools and mixing buckets)

Lighting type and the area you are working with will be key to determining what system to build for hydro but you can easily build your own for less than a pre-made system and they will usually be better suited for what you are using it for because you can design it yourself to fit what you have. As long as you are able to use simple power tools, and are relatively experienced in DIY you should be fine to build.

Those are the most important things I can think of to consider when starting.
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