Host Servers Moved to New Facility


Our website and servers were down last night for a few hours due to our host moving our servers to a bigger and better facility. Unfortunately we didn't receive the advance notice about it, so we didn't have time to alert everyone. Everything went smoothly and we're back up and running like normal. We'll also be performing some major updates to our software in the coming weeks, which will give us more features and better performance on page load times.
My wife thanks you for the outage! :)
Our website and servers were down last night for a few hours due to our host moving our servers to a bigger and better facility. Unfortunately we didn't receive the advance notice about it, so we didn't have time to alert everyone. Everything went smoothly and we're back up and running like normal. We'll also be performing some major updates to our software in the coming weeks, which will give us more features and better performance on page load times.
I appreciate the notice, have been having trouble with my equipment lately so I thought it was me :D
(lightning took out my router and its' power strip >.>)
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