Homemade cloner?

3 clear tubs. (I use the ones I get washed lettuce in.)
well washed styrofoam meat tray with a small hole punched for each of the cuttings.
plain water.
aquarium air pump with bubble stone.
cfl/flouro/led lights.

turn on light.
take two clear tubs and put one inside the other with a black garbage bag sandwiched between them.
the 3rd inverted as a dome with slightly over sized notches for air tubing. (over sized notches vent the dome slightly.)
put air stone in.
add enough water for stems to hang in water. (add 1/4 strength nutes/root hormones if you want)
cut styrofoam to fit inside the two stacked tubs and punch holes.
put a cutting in each hole.
place dome over top.

{for best results get a propagation heat mat with thermostat.}
i made a cloner from a design out of HT-How to get a pound every 3 weeks-article.
cost about $150 to $180 in parts and equipment-after shipping. this is the power drill, 2 inch hole drill bit, 8/11 drill bit, 400gph water pump, 15 gal rez tank, 2in net pots, netroprene collars, PVC pipe and joints-glue, Clonex solution and sprayers.
Took longer for roots to show than the article said(12 days-article said 7 days) but this contraption works! Keep in mind, im HORRIBLE at cloning.
Also, factor in, you get to keep using the drill and bits, or you can save a good $80 to $100 if you know someone or got the equipment.
if you want the instructions; PM me
3 clear tubs. (I use the ones I get washed lettuce in.)
well washed styrofoam meat tray with a small hole punched for each of the cuttings.
plain water.
aquarium air pump with bubble stone.
cfl/flouro/led lights.

turn on light.
take two clear tubs and put one inside the other with a black garbage bag sandwiched between them.
the 3rd inverted as a dome with slightly over sized notches for air tubing. (over sized notches vent the dome slightly.)
put air stone in.
add enough water for stems to hang in water. (add 1/4 strength nutes/root hormones if you want)
cut styrofoam to fit inside the two stacked tubs and punch holes.
put a cutting in each hole.
place dome over top.

{for best results get a propagation heat mat with thermostat.}

sounds interesting, but I'm not understanding the connection between the two stacked tubs.

From your description, it sounds like you could do it with just one tub.

Are there holes in the bottom of the top tub, wicks, or something else?

the garbage bag would be for making things opaque to light, but I don't get how the two tubs are arranged.
the two tubs serve to make a trash bag sandwich. It just makes it easier to deal with the plastic, no other reason.

one bottom tub would work fine, but getting the plastic bag to stay in place would be a major pain.

if you put the bag in the first tub, then insert the second tub into that, you can just cut the remaining bag that sticks up around the edges to fit.

I can post a pic of my ghetto-fabulous cloner if you want....

BTW i dont actually use a garbage bag, I instead use just black plastic sheeting or panda. but only cause i have some scraps lying around.
No problem, i wasnt' that clear...blame the meds.

I want to add that I get ~95% success with my recycled cloner and have even left rooted clones in it for two weeks without issue.
This got me thinking, there are many, many different ideas on diy cloners. The one referenced above is a good one. I just made one, before I saw this article.
I noticed in the living room this display case thingy, had some doll my wifes mother gave her in it, had to be 100 years old or something. Anyway, I got rid of that thing and put the display case to good use. I built sort of a clone box for my cloner. A bubbler style cloner, small, only 8 sites. I am now trying it out with only two clones. Using air stones and a big air pump. I will get some better pictures when the lights come on and I go to check them. I have a very small heater in the solution, and it keeps it at about 80 degrees, I wonder is that to warm? I have fixtures for four cfl bulbs up top, but only am using one for the clones. Figure I can veg them for a short while in this box too maybe?



How many clones do you need to make?

My cloner takes less than $5 to make and it is reasonably successful.
A ziplock container and an aquarium pump with tubing.

I really dont know how many clones I want/need. This is my first time growing. I have a 6 X 6 grow room I built in the basement. I just know I don't want to be paying $25 to $35 apiece for clones, or take a chance on seeds from a foreign country. My cloner is basicaly the same as yours, plastic container with an air pump. I just took what I read in about a hundred posts and used what tips I thought made good sense. Like blocking the light from the roots. But, then again, some guys have great sucess just sticking the clone in a dixie cup of water and being patient, not one of my strong suits. lol
I really dont know how many clones I want/need. This is my first time growing. I have a 6 X 6 grow room I built in the basement. I just know I don't want to be paying $25 to $35 apiece for clones, or take a chance on seeds from a foreign country. My cloner is basicaly the same as yours, plastic container with an air pump. I just took what I read in about a hundred posts and used what tips I thought made good sense. Like blocking the light from the roots. But, then again, some guys have great sucess just sticking the clone in a dixie cup of water and being patient, not one of my strong suits. lol

You pay that much for clones? If you have the right people they are free. If I knew you personally they would be free to you as well.

That cloner I made works. It does take patience. The whole process takes patience and it is a good teacher of patience. It takes a couple of weeks to make clones. Don't give up so easy. Just find a place in your mind that allows you to continue.

My scrog grow (first time) is not that great. I have made some mistakes and have had to make changes and scale back my expectations. Honestly, I hear about guys that get ounces of bud a month out of little chambers that are continuous and I have not been able to duplicate that myself... yet. I know when I do get myself dialed in I will be able to do what those guys have done, but I am not there yet. I know a guy that grows 27 plants, in a little box with CFLs in a sea of green that provides him 3 oz a month. I cannot remember what the rotation is, but it is like he takes three plants out and puts three in every month. The problem with this guy is he probably smokes twice that much. An oz a month is all I need. Anyway, you need to be patient. This is your first grow and you are going to make some mistakes until you dial it in. Almost nobody gets it right the first time unless they have a real time mentor on the scene.

Good luck man. I will talk to you any time about this stuff.
Thanks for the reply. Well, I don't know anyone who has clones for free :)
I have just two plants vegging in the grow room now. I have LST'd on both of them and they are looking very good. Just ending week 3 of veg. One Alaskan and a NYSD. I took a clone from both of them.

The Alaskan ThunderF**k, Day 17 veg, LST

The New York Skunk Diesel

Both of them side by side
If you want three plants take 9 clones. I never just do what I need with cuttings. I take way more than I need and I can pick and chose from them. Not only do I root more than I need, I actually put more than I need in starter pots and that is where I make the decisions on which ones to keep. Small clones can die from under watering really easy (I just did it recently) so it is better to play it safe than sorry. Soon you will be able to figure out how to keep a perpetual grow going without any needless waiting.

Take some more cuttings
and then give any healthy extras away for free. pay it forward and it will come back.

I would have no problem with that. Funny thing is, my "guru" gives me awesome deals on product, but when I wanted clones I had to pay 25 for one and 35 for the other. He said he gets his clones free. I don't get it. But anyway, I hope to be cloning my own.
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