Holes in leaves?


Well-Known Member

Any help would be appreciated , growing in coco pebble mix 60/40, temps day 25-27, pretty cool to be honest, running a dimlux hps currently cranked up to 800w , first week of flower as you can see in the back. Coco nutrients, clean as a bean , got fly traps up etc , can’t notice anything so what is happening to my leaves anyone know?

Apply a preventive neem oil.

Im struggling with chewed leaves also. Never managed to see the actual responsible for that (for his luck).

mhmm I do spray water during the day on the leaves so it could be bleaching. Should I not do this during the day at all?I have neem but I’m in flowering not going to bother
mhmm I do spray water during the day on the leaves so it could be bleaching. Should I not do this during the day at all?I have neem but I’m in flowering not going to bother
Ideally no, you want to do sprays that have oil at least, when lights are off, because it can cause burning. I guess water could have that effect maybe in full sunshine, but that does not appear to be the issue with your leaves.

If I had to guess I would say spider mites, but it is unclear because you only provided pics of two trouble spots, and the color is off, so hard to be certain. By the twisting of the one leaf you can see something was taking its nutrition.
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