Hippie Riddle


New Member
A Hippie with a riddle
Though a difficult read
Was given to Hippie
From a little sac of weed
Now Hippie he smoked
The finest of weed
Nothing but sense
Weed with no seed
Cracked open a bud
And what does Hippie see
There is one
No check it out man
There's one, two, three
Hippie says to himself
This cannot be
Not from a sac
That's sensimilla weed
But he got one to pop
not bad out of three
She's has the beauty of Indy
A bushy little tree
Clothed with sativas
Yes a hybrid must be
Now Hippie he knew
She was not Mexican
Their weed full of seed
So where did it come from
This mystery seed
Was it just by chance
As others agree
Or was it by magic
Do you have the answer
The answer to the HIPPIE RIDDLE
A Hippie with a riddle
Though a difficult read
Was given to Hippie
From a little sac of weed
Now Hippie he smoked
The finest of weed
Nothing but sense
Weed with no seed
Cracked open a bud
And what does Hippie see
There is one
No check it out man
There's one, two, three
Hippie says to himself
This cannot be
Not from a sac
That's sensimilla weed
But he got one to pop
not bad out of three
She's has the beauty of Indy
A bushy little tree
Clothed with sativas
Yes a hybrid must be
Now Hippie he knew
She was not Mexican
Their weed full of seed
So where did it come from
This mystery seed
Was it just by chance
As others agree
Or was it by magic
Do you have the answer
The answer to the HIPPIE RIDDLE

Cool Riddle slamber670:thumb:

That bag of Sensimilla most likely was or had a Hermie near by.

I am growing two ladies right now from a bag of sensi.:thumb:
thanx man.
We in my state thought maybe growers in other states were poking them inside. If it was in fact from hermie how will the plant turn out...... She is a girl with baby buds now

Haha.... If you are growing them out then think of them as little bonuses when you find them.

If they are due to a Hermie they might have tendency to Hermie themselves if stressed. So just keep them happy and keep an eye out for balls on your girls.
Ok consensus says its from a hermie. How will the plant develop. 18 days now she is covered in buds. No signs of hermie nothing but pure female. Will buds develop properly and what about quality

If it came from good bud then you have a pretty good chance it will produce good bud if you take care of her.
Probably not likely to Herm if she is taken care of and not stressed.

I just checked your profile and posts and see you don't have a journal for this girl.

If you put up a journal then you will probably get more interaction and questions answered.
It doesn't matter that you are already in Flower, you just start where you are and give a little back history of what you have already done.

Here are some links to get you started if you have not already checked them out.

Start a new Journal here
>>>Journals In Progress<<<

Good instruction on what to include in your Journal.
>>>How to make a grow journal<<<

Looking forward to seeing what you have going on over there :thumb:
Yeah man. I was going to start a journal. I posted pics of a young plant when I first joined. She only had 3 finger leaves early on. I had 2 people more or less making fun of me saying that it was not pot. They quoted "3 leaves let it be. Which is a nursery rhyme here to identify poison ivy. I joined to learn from the experts. I seem to attract idiots who don't have a clue. Im not here to deal with jerks.

I have ALOT of guerrilla grows under my belt. But, we did not know all of the science behind growing. A little chicken shit, bone meal and blood meal, and let them grow. We didn't even know when to properly harvest, knowing nothing about tricones. I'm a very poor person. Starting with bare essentials. I'm GUESSING HERE. No thermometer, barometer, nothing to PH with just using water from our well. Nothing for PPM'S.

BUT........ I'm kicking ass. My girls are beautiful.

I don't want to journal and just have more folks making fun of me
Yeah man. I was going to start a journal. I posted pics of a young plant when I first joined. She only had 3 finger leaves early on. I had 2 people more or less making fun of me saying that it was not pot. They quoted "3 leaves let it be. Which is a nursery rhyme here to identify poison ivy. I joined to learn from the experts. I seem to attract idiots who don't have a clue. Im not here to deal with jerks.

I have ALOT of guerrilla grows under my belt. But, we did not know all of the science behind growing. A little chicken shit, bone meal and blood meal, and let them grow. We didn't even know when to properly harvest, knowing nothing about tricones. I'm a very poor person. Starting with bare essentials. I'm GUESSING HERE. No thermometer, barometer, nothing to PH with just using water from our well. Nothing for PPM'S.

BUT........ I'm kicking ass. My girls are beautiful.

I don't want to journal and just have more folks making fun of me

If you start a journal I will help be your security guard as will many others on here. No making fun Allowed!
There is No Tolerance for AHoles! Just don't reply to them, and report them. They will eventually get weeded out if you only interact with the Helpful Friendly people, and report them when they step over the line. Let the Mods and other respected members deal with those people.

I am not going to push you to start a journal anymore after this post. It is just the best thing you can do to get quality help with whatever your grow is at the time. A lot of members don't look through the Introduce Yourself section to answer questions.
The Journals are where it is at, and have the most activity of Knowledgeable people and the "Experts" looking to help you out with any questions you have.

There are people on here that can help you grow with whatever you have at your disposal, but you have to put it out there so they know what you are working with. We don't care if you are rich or poor, everyone comes from different backgrounds and have different means. The good people on here don't care about that, they just want to see you succeed with what you have and are capable of.
If you look at my first journal(link below) you can see what I used before upgrading to LEDs. Much the same brother, we all start somewhere. I'll find that journal... Check below in my signature for a tutorial on adding links to your own signature. That way folks will find your journal with every post you make.

For now for those who want to check out his new journal here's a link.

Slamber's Rescue Plants First Indoor

KiG :green_heart:Cheers
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