Hi(i am new here), why does my plant?


New Member
is getting less alive?
It was growing ok, it reached to about 8cm height then i decided to move it to a bigger pot so i did it carefully but since then it almost didn't grow, its leaves are facing down; the bottom ones are getting dry and dying, and the upper ones seem fluffy and sick(perplexed)???

I was carefull with the roots too... so anyone had this problem - will she live?
Re: Hi(i am new here), why does my plant...?

I mixed the soil(black commercial with dirt 66%/33%), gave it water each 4/5 each time little - every once i flushed it, also i used chemical furtilizer with 20% nitro. Light i use 2 long flouricent 32w and added just before the transplant a 48w short bulb - both white.

One more question - what is the difference between the leaves/plant types(?); i have two: one is has long pointy leaves(the sobject above), and the other has almost sqaure shaped leaves - looks very different - they both came from same seed bag but i dont know if it was a mix...
Re: Hi(i am new here), why does my plant...?

the long skinny fingered leaves are usually Sativa the fatter shorter leaves are usually that of an Indica plant.
Re: Hi(i am new here), why does my plant...?

8 cm sounds like you replanted it a little prematurenext time wait til the plants are becoming rootbound in the pot before replanting.

It's been almost 2 weeks since your post so the problem may have corrected itself by now if not you could try vitamin B1 which helps promote root growth.

I was unclear about your watering schedule sounds pretty sporadic wait till the leaves droop a bit before watering then soak the soil making sure it has complete saturation. If you only give it a little water only the top soil gets wet and it doesn't make it all the way down to the base of the pot. Meaning your roots aren't getting enough water.

Also being such a young plant you really don't need to fertilize it with a strong concentrate only give it half of what the fertilizer suggests
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