Hi Guys - First Timer


New Member
Hey All,

Although my first post, I have been stalking around the back end of the forums sucking all the info I can out for my first grow for months. Instead of doing a grow journal and perhaps being influenced in the wrong direction I chose to wait until the end of the grow to share it with you but for now I have a couple of questions. I started with 6 seed's of unknown origin and strain. I was not going to pay hundreds for seeds and fuck it up so I chose so sex them and go from there. I sexed the plants at 2 weeks into flower and chose what I thought to be 2 males and discarded them I know had 4 females no ball's all pistles. Now here is a few photo's of the bud's they are all the same on all 4 plants, I have been looking at pic after pic and im stumped.... Please tell me these are ok.

My Questions are

1. Out of 4 remaining plants's whats the chances of 4 Herme's ?
2. At 2 weeks was it to late to pull the males, could they have already polinated ?
3. Are these un-polinated seed sacks ?
4. Just crap strain and will seed regardless ?

Peace all I look forward to sharing my grow in around 4 weeks.
Hey All,

Although my first post, I have been stalking around the back end of the forums sucking all the info I can out for my first grow for months. Instead of doing a grow journal and perhaps being influenced in the wrong direction I chose to wait until the end of the grow to share it with you but for now I have a couple of questions. I started with 6 seed's of unknown origin and strain. I was not going to pay hundreds for seeds and fuck it up so I chose so sex them and go from there. I sexed the plants at 2 weeks into flower and chose what I thought to be 2 males and discarded them I know had 4 females no ball's all pistles. Now here is a few photo's of the bud's they are all the same on all 4 plants, I have been looking at pic after pic and im stumped.... Please tell me these are ok.

My Questions are

1. Out of 4 remaining plants's whats the chances of 4 Herme's ?
2. At 2 weeks was it to late to pull the males, could they have already polinated ?
3. Are these un-polinated seed sacks ?
4. Just crap strain and will seed regardless ?

Peace all I look forward to sharing my grow in around 4 weeks.

1. Statistically speaking, there's a 6.25% chance that all four would hermie, but environment and genetics play a large role. If they were stressed at all in flower, the odds go up significantly.

2. Not sure, but I don't think they pollinate at two weeks in.

3&4. Seeds don't form unless the bud's been pollinated. I don't know enough to tell you what those pics show. They do look a bit like seeds, and I believe the "nanners" that hermies get are shaped more like... well, banannas. It's entirely possible that your plants could have been pollinated by plants from miles away. The pollen can travel a good distance on a windy day, maybe your neighbor is growing some males or hermies.
From what I've seen, those buds do look like they got some seed in them, I could be wrong, squeeze the bud, you will feel if there are seeds in it ✌

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Hmmm Budgood, my grow is in a cab in a shed so unlikely to be close by I'm in suburbia so def no out door contamination. I don't see any bananas and so far no seeds but check this next pic from last night I found balls but they have pistils .... I upload it now

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In all the years i have grown i have never seen a plant do whats happening in that bottom pic. Its possible you have seedy weedy, squeeze the bud and see if any seed pops out. Its unlikely your males pollinated them but not impossible. I take the males out at 1-2 weeks of flower when using regs.

Could be any number of things causing the plants to grow weird. you said you have no idea about the stock of the seed, it could have come from a mutant plant. thats why its always best to buy seeds from reputable source.

Your plants look over fertilized, what are you growing in and what is your nutrient EC/PPM?
Hi Cultivator, I had issues with controlling PH and I may have shocked the plants that way, I believe what your seeing is PH burn, I have not yet exceeded 400 ppm with the nutes. Everything has been text book, I'm doing DWC SOG grew under 4x t5 6500k then switched to 2700k for flower, 4 week veg, 8week flower. I have now changed to 250w hps for the final flower. I'm still leaning toward shit seed, I was reluctant to buy expensive seed being my first grow I did not want to waste my money I have spent a lot on setup and wanted to make sure everything was going to run correctly, being in a cupboard stealth grow I was worried but in hind sight I should have purchased see. Anyway no seed yet so I'll push on for science sake and see what comes out of it

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Seeds. :( we all kinda new they were but now I need to figure out how I screwed up.... On ward and upward ;)

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Seeds. :( we all kinda new they were but now I need to figure out how I screwed up.... On ward and upward ;)

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Just sit back and write down WHAT you did,,step by step...
but,, as was said before..most probably seeds were...hm...
Just reset and start again. Luckily you have found this forum and if you cant learn to grow here, you wont learn any where.

Start a journal, that way you have people on tap to help out.

Think about how you want to grow. Hydro, soil, coco etc and how you are going to set your room up. Then scour the forum for people doing things the way you like. read as many journals as possible.

You can always ask questions in these threads also.

Get your seeds from somewhere reputable and research the characteristics of the strain.

Good luck.
Thanks cultivator, I think you all will love my setup it's a true stealth cab, a lot of work and blood and sweat but the end result is awesome, even though I had shit seed, it will still make RSO so it won't be wasted. I have just ordered a bunch of femmed auto flowers in some strains and gonna give them a crack. Stay tuned for the journal.


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